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Gunshots echoed from the bottom of the stairs. YN ran gasping for air up the emergency stair case to get away as quickly as she could.

"Get her! She's upstairs!" they yelled hurrying up with their loaded guns.

'How unfair!' YN thought. She had no gun with her which was quite idiotic of her. 'Jerome you better be into position now.' She wished in her head. She and Jerome had planned to lead them to the third floor.

Sensing the gangsters coming closer, she rushed towards the door near her and left it open on purpose. They tailed behind her just like how she wanted. On the end of the hall she stepped on stood Jerome who held a grenade that explodes smoke that puts one to sleep immediately.

"Aim correctly!" YN yelled then on cue she slide down next to him and Jerome pulled the safety pin and threw the grenade. Due to the force of YN's slide she hit her shoulder on the wall that hit the same time the grenade exploded.

"Did you see if there are more around the building?" YN asked firstly.

"None, all of them came up." Jerome aided her to stand up, her shoulder hit the wall to strong. She held it in pain. "That's gonna hurt for a while, come on."

"I can still hold a gun, give it." She was about to take the gun on his waist but he moved it away from her. YN looked at him with a glare. "Give it."

"Look Boss, I know you're mad at them. But remember your position. We only let you try and kill Ma Dong Seok because you were hidden, but not out here." He concerned and sternly said.

She was pissed that he spoke the truth. If word goes out that she killed someone, her reputation on her grandfather's side with go downhill. She pushed herself out of Jerome's hold and quickly went to her condo floor.

Getting to the 6th floor, Jerome lead the way just in case. They stop by her door and she brought out her keys so she could open the door.

"Boss get down!" Jerome's sudden warn made her drop her keys as Jerome pulled her down with him. He aimed his gun tot he other end of the hall and he shot two men down. But two others came out from the emergency exit door. They fired their guns.

"AAAH!" One of their bullets hit YN's already aching shoulder. Jerome defended by shooting back and managed to bring them down.

"Boss!" He cried out. "Your arm!" Despite the bleeding, YN hurried to grab the keys and opened the door herself almost falling to her knees.

Her eyes widened and relief and shock came pouring in. "Dad..."

Mr. Kang was on a defensive stance with his gun out before the door opened, with Felix behind him who he protected. They were both nervous and feared on whoever besides YN who would open the door. But upon finally seeing her personally for so many wasted years, he had no doubt to drop his gun and run to his daughter to engulf her into his warm hug.

"It's me sweetheart. It's dad." He kissed the top of her head. Her once small arms that once couldn't reach his back now wrapped around his body securely with no sign of letting go. His crying daughter's face rested on his shoulder. Her trembling body wrapped with the arms she longed to be in for many years, the arms she would always go into whenever she needed it. They were back.

"Dad, dad. I'm so glad you're safe. I'm so... so glad."

"I missed you so much, kid. I missed you so much YN."

Felix watched teary eyed as he felt the strong emotions coming out of the reunited father and daughter. He felt happy, very happy so see YN with her father. But he couldn't help but feel mad about himself. He didn't fail to see YN bleeding arm. His hand clenched in stress and angry.

"Calm down, man." Jerome placed a hand on Felix's shoulder. "I can tell you're about to blame yourself right now."

'How did he know?' Felix thought astonished.

"But YN would liked it better that you protected yourself than her. She has me and her team to be here for her. You don't have to get angry at yourself for this."

"Even so, I could've done something. I could've... been stronger."

That's right, if he was as strong as Jerome or maybe as confident as YN then he could've done better and avoid all of this trouble. All this went through his head. And it made him feel so bad.

"Oh dear, you're bleeding YN. Come, we have to get you to a hospital. And quick!" Mr. Kang's worried outburst snapped Felix back and he automatically went to YN's side.

"YN." Felix called to her and she laid her eyes on him weakly. Her smile melted him in different ways.

"Felix, you're safe. I'm so happy. You even protected dad for me, thank you." She moved to embrace him. "Thank you."

"What are you saying, it's more like he saved me. But YN we need to get you to the ER right now." He wraps her good arm around his neck and help her out with Jerome and her dad behind.



"Luckily, the wound didn't cause any serious damage to the rest of her arm. She'll be able to recover quickly on no time. Make sure she takes her supplements and avoid stress and overworking." The doctor said before we thank her and she left.

Ms. Choi, Jerome, France, who I met for the first time, Mr. Kang and I all sat on a bench couch in front of YN who was still asleep from anesthesia.

"Have any idea who broke into YN's condo unit? The door doesn't open just like that easily." Jerome first spoke up.

"Most like one of the men who was after me and Felix." Mr. Kang answered.

"Could be, if they knew where she lived. But you said that the place seemed untouched. Then what were they looking for their?" Ms. Choi said sighing.

"Either they were looking for something or they left something." France suggested.


"Alright, I'll head out and check myself." France stood up getting ready to leave, taking his coat off the hanger stand.

"I'll go with you." Jerome stood up as well.

"Jerome, check if you can inform Detective Seongwoo without being identified." Ms. Choi ordered.

"Understood, Ma'am."

"Great now I have luggage to carry." France frowned at the sight of Jerome coming with him.

"What the hell are you talking about luggage?! Who do you think kept-"

The conversation on the door got cut off when Ms. Choi shut the door close with an annoyed smile. "Now that we've gotten rid of the loud mouths. How are you Mr. Kang? I'm surprised you were able to get up here without the guards noticing."

"Ah yes, doing that is quite easy for me." they both lightly laughed. "I once taught YN how to run from a guard, then after that I got a call from her school saying she made the school guard fall in a pond because she ran out of school." he recalled with a smile.

"That does sound much like her."

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