Chapter 13: Final Battle.

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Izuku was spotted on his house, placing his sleeping wife on his bed before proceeding to the common room, where his son awaited him.

Hanyō: Father, do you have any notion who's to blame for all of this?

Izuku: Yeah, did you know I'm fourteen billion years old and that hell has a twenty-demon clan?

Hanyō: W-What???

Izuku: We, the morningstar, are the most powerful family in hell, towering over all clans, including certain celestial creatures, at least on the day I chose to enter the human realm. However, five demon clans are currently forming an alliance in order to overthrow our realm.

Hanyō: I'd like additional information.

Izuku: Have you heard about Satan before?

Hanyō: Yeah, I've been around humans for so long that I remember the narrative of that devil person, who they say used to be the most beautiful angel and was placed in hell because he rebelled against the plan's reliance on agency and suggested an alternate plan that invalidated agency. As a result, he was renamed Satan, and he and his followers were expelled from paradise. Until today, no one knew his name before.

Izuku: Humans think that way, but what if I told yo--

Then, he heard a knock on the door. He sigh when he sensed his student energy outside his house.

Izuku: Come in!

The door opens as Hitoshi enters, confusing Hanyō; similarly, Shinso is confused as to why the transfer student is present.

Izuku: What's the matter, Hitoshi?

Shinso: I came here to show you these after hearing about a massive sword appearing in the skies of Musutufu earlier.

As he tossed his phone to Izuku, he checked it and saw a news camera aiming into the sky, with numerous colossal red portal appearing around the entire nation.

Izuku: So they've already made a move.

Hanyō: Father, what do you mean?

Shinso: What? Father?

Izuku: To clear things up, I'll tell you the complete story.

Then he begins to tell Shinso about his family, who does not believe him until he transfers his memory to him.

Izuku: Now that some members of the demon clan have begun to move. What a pain in ass; we must put an end to them as quickly as possible.

Hanyō: Are we really going to be able to stop them?

Shinso: I'll help.

Izuku: I appreciate your offer, but allow me to continue my story.

Hanyō: Yeah, about that satanic guy.

Izuku: Humans' understanding of the story of satan is completely incorrect. That fallen angel was cast out of heaven not because of his rebellion, pride, or attempt to defy the father who created him, but because he was given a mission.

After hearing those words, their eyes widen in recognition of the horrible demon that humans have been portraying as harsh, evil, ruthless, prideful, and so on... Aren't they decent?

Shinso: M-mission?

Izuku: A mission to maintain world peace by balancing love and hatred in the universe, similar to the equilibrium of heaven and hell.

Hanyō: After that, did Satan have a chance to return to heaven?

Izuku: No, because he disobeyed one of his father's laws by falling in love with a mortal. During his time in heaven, Satan was known as Lucifer, an angel who chose to disobey the absolute being in order to remain by his wife's side, which is how you were born, Hanyō.

The two teenagers were now stacked in their places, unable to move, and processing all of the information in their heads.

Hanyō: Ah, I see. . . . That explains how you were able to make that massive blade vanish just by touching it earlier.

Izuku: I sent it back to hell, to the castle of the blade's owner, so, will you accompany me?

Shinso: I'm going because I trust you, sensei.

Hanyō: Father, I wanted to join you in balancing the universe's peace, therefore I'll be there for you.

Izuku: Then dress up, since we're going there right now.

Hanyō: B-but, what about mother???

Izuku: Don't worry about her; I'll leave a clone of mine here to protect and care for her. I've also predicted that this battle will last only half a day in the human realm, but 2.5 years in hell.

After about an hour, the three were ready to enter hell when Izuku snapped his finger and a clone of himself appeared beside him. He gave the order and the clone obeyed without hesitation. He opened his hand and extended his arm forward before unleashing a red blast that transformed into a gateway. As they were about to enter, Izuku stop on his track.

Izuku: There was something I forgot about.

Then he looked up at the sky and clapped his hand, and the several huge portals that were dispersed across the entire nation vanished, as they proceed to enter that portal revealing a location full of demons, red as a blood mountain, and bright flaming lava like the sun.

When the demons see the image of their king, they kneel and greet him loudly. Izuku simply nods, shocking the two teenagers beside him. They come to a halt in a platted area, where they see a flaming massive rhino waiting for them. Izuku jumps on its back and signals the two to ride with him.

They arrive at a big castle after a few minutes, Izuku's expression changes to serious, he doesn't even speak the entire time they come, and suddenly a single demon walks in front of them.

Demon: It's pleasure to meet you my k-king--


As he looked up at the king, he realized his eyes were flashing red and dropped to his knees, making a big crater on the ground.

Izuku: You dare to call me that after you join our enemy's alliance, you traitor!!!

On that demon's face, an ugly mocking grin appears, but it vanishes when Izuku steps on his face, blowing his skull to bits.


A cry from the sky of hell was heard, and they looked up to see hundreds of demons with axes, scythes, blades, and other weapons. . Hanyō drew his kanabō, and Hitoshi prepared his hand to battle them, but

Izuku: Come forth!

A large number of demons descend to the ground honing like a sharp blades and begin stabbing all of the demons that have fallen from the sky with their weapons.

A large number of demons descend to the ground honing like a sharp blades and begin stabbing all of the demons that have fallen from the sky with their weapons

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Izuku: The battle is about to begin; thetwo of you, be ready; this isn't a kid's game.

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