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"Are you going to kill me?

"Why I would do that?"

"I wouldn't put it past you."

"Me neither but if I were to kill you, it wouldn't be out here."

"What the fuck you two!?"

Currently Jeongin was driving Felix to their date spot with Chan on the phone through the speaker so he could make sure they got there safe.

Dad things.

"What? It's a valid question! He could be trying to kill me!" Felix exclaims.

"Why am I worried about you two getting hurt when I should be worried about you two hurting someone?" Chan sighs.

"You think we would hurt someone?" Jeongin looks at Felix.

"Nah. I'm not in the mood." Felix checks his nails.

"See Channie, no worries." Jeongin chuckles as he pulls into a parking spot of the place they were going to.

"Why does that make me worry more?" Chan says.

"Well we're here so I'm hanging up and lets hope we don't kill anyone. Bye!" Jeongin goes to hang up.

"Jeongin, I swear to God-" Jeongin ending the call there.

"Shall we?" Jeongin says.

"We shall." Felix nods and the two get out the car. Felix stretches his limbs as Jeongin gets his basket from the back seat.

"Lets go." Jeongin outstretches his hands to the entrance.

"I can't believe you brought me to a cemetery." Felix says as they enter the gate.

"Why not? They're so beautiful and have a lot of history." Jeongin shrugs as they walk side by side down the path.

"I'm not complaining. I love it honestly." Felix chuckles. His eyes were shining like a kid in a candy store as he looked at all the different statues and tombstones.

"I figured you would. Jisung told me that you sometimes collect bones." Jeongin admits.

"Don't worry. Only animal ones and I preserve them in frames." Felix explains.

Jeongin just smiles at him. Felix really was an interesting person. He wasn't afraid to be himself and Jeongin almost envy that. Everyone always made fun of him for being his normal self because to them, it wasn't normal.

Being around Felix made him feel like he could do anything and not be judged.

"Okay, this is the spot. I picked one not too far from the tombstones so we can still look but far enough to not disturb the dead." Jeongin points at a tree that had plenty of shade from it's growing branches.

"You're so cute." Felix giggles. Jeongin flicking him off with a roll of his eyes.

Jeongin opens the basket and pulls out a blanket. He sits the basket down so he could lay the blanket out. Both of them taking off their shoes to put on the corners so it didn't move.

The two sat crisscross in front of each other with the basket between them.

"So what did you bring, lover boy?" Felix rubs his hands together.

"Simple stuff. Hope you like ham." Jeongin opens the basket and pulls out two sandwiches that are wrapped in plastic wrap.

"Is there-" "No mayonnaise. Some people don't like it and I wanted to be cautious." Jeongin basically read Felix's mind as he hands him one.

blood oath | jeonglix auWhere stories live. Discover now