Chapter 1: From Dust Till Dawn

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A bright morning on Remnant shows a fairly tall man walking down the street looking at his feet. This man is Edward Thorn and he is bored.

Edward: I want something to do!!!

As Edward walks down the street, a store catches his eye. It's a weapon store full of specially made Huntsman blades.


Without hesitation, Edward quickly enters the store. Looking around the store, he makes his way the the gun section.

Edward inspects the weapons with precision, taking in every detail. As he does this, a young silver-eyed girl does the same but with more fangirling.

Silver-eyes: Amazing, so beautiful and well made! I want one!

Edward: Eh, I've made better.

The silver-eyed girl seems to hear his comment as she makes her way immediately to Edward, effectively shocking him.

Edward: Woah! Um, hey?

Silver-eyes: You make weapons!

Edward: Uh, yeeeaaahh?

Silver-eyes: Can I see them?!

Edward tries to calm the girl down, "Woah, woah, hold on. Can I have your name first?"

The silver-eyed seems to calm down, "Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose."

Edward: I'm Edward Thorn. And sure, I've got my pistol with me.

He pulls out his custom Desert Eagle from his back pocket.


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Edward hands Ruby his pistol, she inspects it closely.

Edward: I modeled it after an old Desert Eagle. Engraved it myself.

Ruby: It's so well made!

She turns to Edward with sparkles in her eyes.

Ruby: Teach me your ways!

Edward: Oh, sure. I would gladly teach you my wa-

He gets interrupted by Ruby's scroll going off with a notification.

Ruby: Oh sorry, I have to go meet up with my sister. It was nice talking to you.

She zips off quickly leaving Edward standing there.

Edward: So she wants me to teach her but doesn't give me a way to contact her.

He laughs slightly as he continues looking through the weapons.


Now late at night, Edward makes his way to a Dust shop named "From Dust Till Dawn" which seems to be in the process of being robbed.

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