Chapter 6: Cat Hunt

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Edward: So... what happened last night?

At the moment, Edward is with Ruby, Yang and Weiss while trying to look for Blake.

Ruby: Well, during the fight last night, Blake got upset by some comments about the faunus and then stormed off.

Edward: Ah, alright then.

Weiss: I don't see why she was so upset. I was just speaking the truth.

Edward: You were speaking your truth, you mean.

Weiss turns to Edward confused, "What do you mean?"

Edward: Civilization hides their opinions in what their reality would label as truth. So, you may have been speaking your truth, Weiss. But Blake's truth must be different.

Weiss turns away to contemplate what she was just told.

Yang: Wow, that seemed wise but at the same time I didn't understand any of it.

Edward: Cool.

The 4 continue searching for a while without any luck or sign of Blake anywhere.

Ruby: Blake! Blake!

Yang: Blake!

Edward: Blake! Where are you?!

3/4 of the group is shouting in hopes to get Blake's attention while 1/4 just stands there with their arms crossed.

Ruby: Weiss, your not helping.

Weiss: Oh, you know who might be able to help? The police.

Edward: Really, Weiss.

Weiss: What? It was just an idea.

Ruby: Yeah, a bad one.

Yang: Maybe we should hear Blake's side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Weiss: I think when we hear it, you'll all realize that I was right.

Penny: And I think Weiss' hair looks lovely today.

Everyone turns around quickly at the sudden appearance of Penny.

Ruby: Ahhh! Penny, where did you come from!?

Penny seemingly ignores Ruby and starts asking questions, "Hey guys, what are you up to?"

Edward: We're looking for our friend Blake, have you seen her?

Penny: Ooohhh, you mean the faunus girl.

Edward: Wait, faunus? She's a faunus?

Ruby: Yeah, forgot about that. But how does Penny know that?

Penny points to her head, "The cat ears."

Yang: Huh, what cat ears? She wears a ..... bow.....

And awkward silence goes by with emphasis from a passing tumbleweed.

Ruby: She does like tuna a lot.

Penny: So, where is she?

Edward: We don't know. She's been missing since last night.

Penny gasps, "That's terrible! Well don't you worry, Ruby and Edward my friends! I won't rest until I find your teammate."

Ruby: Ah, that's nice of you Penny but we're okay, really. Right guys?

She turns to her teammates to find only Edward standing there seemingly oblivious to the rest of his team's absence.

Another awkward silence is brought from the scene with another passing tumbleweed.

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