Chapter 12: Haha, Train Go Boom

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Now Night, Team RWBY and Oobleck have set up camp in an abandoned building. Currently, Ruby is keeping watch while everyone else sleeps.

Edward is only half asleep and keeps fading in and out due to the uncomfortable ground he's laying on.

He is fully awoken by Yang and Oobleck when Ruby has seemed to disappear.

The group begins searching for their missing teammate before discovering a caving in road and Crescent Rose.

Edward: She probably fell through here.

Weiss: Do you think she fell?

Oobleck zooms up, "Fell?"

Weiss: Down there.

The speedy Huntsman looks down and notices the giant hole, "Oh."

Though, realisation seems to hit him as he suddenly starts speaking way to fast to understand because he seems to have made a breakthrough.

Yang: Doc, what are you saying.

Oobleck: We are not just looking for an underground crime network, we are looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!

Blake: They've been working in caves?

Oobleck: No no, Mount Glenn was Vale's first attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time thanks to an aggressive-

Edward cuts in, "So, an underground network system to the main city of Vale?"

Oobleck: In other words, yes.

Edward: That's all I needed to know.

He grabs his guns and makes his way to the opening, "Lets start the party, shall we?"

He doesn't wait as he jumps in. Upon landing, he makes his way to the nearest goons and knocks them out before taking put more and more.

This effectively alerts everyone. The team and Oobleck make there way to the train and Torchwick seemingly getting ready to leave.

Edward: He's gonna leave! Hurry and catch him!

Oobleck: Ridiculous, these tracks are sealed.

Edward: Then he must have a plan of sorts.

They continue taking down White Fang soldiers before quickly regrouping with Ruby.

Ruby: Listen, Torchwick's got loads of weapons and robots down there.

Blake hands Ruby back her weapon.

Edward: He definitely has some sort of scheme.

Suddenly, Torchwick's voice comes through some speakers.

Torchwick: Attention, we are leaving now.

When the train starts leaving, Team RWBY turns to Oobleck.

Blake: What do we do now?

Oobleck: Looks like there's only one thing to do.

Ruby: We're gonna stop that train.

The quickly make there way on top of the train. Weiss opens a hatch and sees a device of sorts.

Weiss: Um, professor?

Oobleck: Doctor.

Weiss: What is that?

Oobleck: That my dear....... appears to be a bomb.

The team jumps back slightly in surprise.

Ruby notices more soldiers coming towards them, "Baddies."

Oobleck: I knew they weren't going to go-

The bomb activates.

Oobleck: -easy on us.

They jump to the next train cart while Blake tries to detach the one with the bomb, instead, it detaches itself.

The cart explodes a little after disconnecting.

Oobleck: That's not good.

Ruby: Neither is this.

Another bomb is the the cart they are on. Oobleck checks the next cart and discovers yet another bomb.

Oobleck: They all have bombs!

The bomb with team RWBY activates and the the train cart disconnects inself.

Edward: What the fuck is going on?

Yang: This doesn't make sense.

The soldiers have now reached the group. Team RWBY starts fighting them.

The previous train cart explodes and leaves an opening in the top of the tunnel where Grimm starts entering through.

Oobleck: Oh dear. He's leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What!?

Oobleck: It the carts! They detach and explode, leaving openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Another cart disconnects.

Oobleck: We have to hurry! You 4, head below and try to stop those bombs!

Edward jumps below after hearing that. Yang, Blake and Weiss jump down after him and begin travelling through the train before getting stopped by the arrival of Neo.

Edward: I'll handle her. You three can go on ahead.

The team leaves Edward with Neo. Though, after the team leaves, Edward and Neo just begin chatting with no intention of fighting.

Edward: Well, hello gorgeous. Fancy meeting you here.

Neo: Same to you, handsome.

Edward: So, how've you been since the dance?

Neo: I've been fine. It kinda sucks though when the night ends with your date leaving on a gurnee.

Edward scratches the back of his head, "Yeah, sorry about that. I ran into one of your 'colleagues' and they got the jump on me."

Neo: It's fine. Just means that you have to make it up to me somehow.

Edward: Oh yeah? And how do you suppose I go about doing that?

They start getting closer until they are mere centimeters away from each other.

Neo: I don't know~ Maybe like this~

The two start going in for a kiss bit are interrupted by the train crashing into something. Edward is knocked unconscious.

He wakes up a little later with a note blocking his vision. He looks at it and sees it's from Neo.

Neo: "Probably should have warned you about the plan. Meet me before the festival and we'll finish up. -Neo"

Edward: Oh, I'll definitely be there.

He looks around and sees that they seem to have made it into town. Grimm are storming everywhere while the team fights them off.

Admits the chaos, Edward sees Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Sun and Neptune. Edward jumps in and gets to kill a large amount of Grimm with his deadly accuracy before a few Atlas ships arrive.

The ships send down plenty of bots that essentially do nothing once they drop. They take out a few Grimm but they aren't really effective.

Though, more students and Huntsman arrive and the situation is pretty much handled after that.

All the students regroup afterwards to mainly just talk about what just happened. Edward, being very tired at this point just kinda falls asleep in a Bullhead aircraft instead of waiting to head back to Beacon.

Team RWBY only wakes him up once they arrive back and he immediately heads into the dorms and goes right to bed because, in his own words, he's..

Edward: I'm tired of sleeping on metal and rock! I want to sleep in a bed!


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