Chapter 3: Classes For Dummies

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Ruby: Morning Team RWBY and Edward!

Ruby blows into a whistle to wake up Weiss and Edward who were still asleep. Weiss falls out of her bed and onto the floor where Edward was.

Edward: Oof! Ow, listen Weiss, I'm flattered but we have company.

Weiss blushes and quickly gets off of Edward.

Edward: Now what's the whistle for?

Ruby: To wake you up. And now, we can begin our first order of business.

Weiss: And that is?

An enthusiastic Yang joins in the conversation.

Yang: Decorating!

Weiss seems visibly upset that she was woken up just to decorate, "What!?"

Blake: We still have to unpack. And clean.

Edward: Next time Ruby, wake me up first. I have a fun way to wake everyone up.

Blake: Edward, why where you sleeping on the floor?

Edward: We don't have enough beds. It was either the floor or bunk with one of you girls.

Blake: Makes sense.

Yang: You can bunk with me~.

Ruby: Yang!

Yang gives a smug smirk, "What? I'm just offering."

Edward: Thanks but no, I'm afraid of what you would do to me while I sleep.

Yang: Your loss.

Ruby decides to stop the side chat and gets everyone to start decorating.

All the team puts their stuff in their respective areas. Edward walks up to Ruby.

Edward: Hey Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah?

Edward: I was wondering if I could put my weapons up for display in here?

Ruby grows stars in her eyes and around her head, "Yes, please do!"

Edward chuckles, "Thanks, Ruby."


The team finish decorating the room but there is one problem. The beds are piled into the center of the room.

Weiss: This won't work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped.

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff?

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds... *gasp* And replace them with bunk beds!

Weiss: That sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang/Edward: And awesome!

Edward and Yang quickly high-five before recomposing themselves.

Blake: It does seem efficient.

Weiss: Well, we should put it to a vote.

Edward: It think we already did.

With that settled, they quickly assemble makeshift bunk beds.

Ruby: Alright, our second order of business is... classes.

She looks through a schedule of the days classes.

Ruby: Alright, looks like we have class starting at 9-

Weiss: Did you say 9!

Ruby: Yeah?

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