Chapter 9: An Insightful Encounter

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It's been a normal few days at Beacon with little to no criminal activity. Edward, being an easily bored person, is beyond just normal boredom.

Though, there has been one thing on his mind. The beautiful women with multicolored, pink and brown hair.

As an attempt to get his mind off things, he decides to head to town.

Edward: I'll be back later tonight.

He leaves the dorms and makes his way to a Bullhead and into town.

Edward: What to do, what to do...

He looks around and ends up deciding to go to a nearby clothing shop.

As he enters the shop, he takes in a deep breath while also taking in the surroundings.

He notices 2 other people in the store, the cashier and some ginger in a white suit looking around.

Edward decides to just start looking around. As he looks between clothes, he sees very few that interest him.

With a few more minutes of searching, he finally finds the suit he likes.



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He grabs it and brings it up to the register. Edward just hands the cashier his card, not caring about the price.

Edward: Just use this, price doesn't matter.

Before he cashes out, the man comes up behind him and whisper to him.

???: Come with me.

Edward, obviously curious but now on guard, decides to follow.

Edward: I'll be right back. Save the suit for me.

He follows the man outside and into a side alley by the shop. Once out of sight, the man turns to Edward and reveals himself to be Roman Torchwick.

Roman: Just who do you think you are?!

Edward: Sup, Torchdick. And I haven't a clue as to what you mean.

Roman: Don't act stupid with me, white! What did you do to my subordinate?!

Edward: Again, gotta be more specific you Offbrand pump.

Roman seems to be getting ticked off by Edward's annoying and sarcastic attitude.

Roman: Do I have to spell it out for your incompetent brain!? What. Did. You. Do. To. Neo.

At the mention of the woman's name, Edward becomes even more curious than before.

Edward: What do you mean?

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