Chapter 14: The End Is Now

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Edward: Guard duty.... why the FUCK did I get guard duty?! There's a fucking army here, why do I need to keep watch?!

After the discussion yesterday, Edward was put on guard duty because Ozpin believes Edward has a keener eye than most of Irondick's soldiers.

Edward gives out a quick sigh before focusing on the beginning match.

The fight pretty much starts out with a fashionista looking looking women pulling out a fucking MINIGUN?! Wtf?!

He just continues watching for a while as the giant and fashionista get completely dominated by Emerald and whoever her teammate is.

His attention is drawn to his scroll as he receives a message from Neo asking to meet him nearby. Seeing as there are already people watching the tournament he decides to sneak away.

He arrives around the back of the building and finds her waiting for him. She notices him approaching and gives a little wave towards him.

Edward: So, is there something you wanted to talk about or you just miss me that much.

Neo: A little of both. I'm here to warn you.

Sensing the serious topic, Edward nods and readies to listen.

Neo: A few of my associates are going to attack the school and break Roman out of jail.

Edward: And I'm gonna guess that these "associates" of yours are Emerald and her team.

Not expecting him to know, Neo looks a little shocked at this.

Neo: How?

Edward: The tall black haired one acts way to suspicious. It was kinda obvious.

Neo chuckles a little because Cinder was always stuck up and it would be kinda funny to explain how easily she was discovered

Edward: Well, if you went through all the trouble to warn me, I though maybe I could leave a little gift for you.

Neo: Like what?

He doesn't respond, instead he puts a single finger on her throat and concentrates for a second then lowers his hand.

Neo: "What was that?"

Shocked, she puts her hands over her mouth real quick before slightly feeling her neck thinking this can't be real.

Neo: I-Is this my-my... voice? H-How?!

Edward: I can't tell you yet, but I will some day. Just promise me that you'll stay safe until we can get away from this together?

Neo can't respond due to shock and only just nods. She decides to leave quickly soon after.

Edward laughs a little, That's adorable how she reacted. Plus, her voice was absolutely stunning.

He goes back into the stadium and watches some more matches. He couldn't help but smile at how Penny could just beat the hell out of the opposing team and smile about so childishly afterwards.

Though, his watching time is cut short after team RWBY's match from a call from Ozpin.


Edward: You did WHAT?!

Edward has just been informed by Ozpin about how how they intend to make Pyrrha a maiden.

Edward: Do you have any idea how stupid of an idea that is to make a child take on such a responsibility!?

Ozpin: Mr. Thorn, I assure you that everything will be fine. She will be protected 24/7 by the best Huntsman and Huntresses out there.

Edward: Like that'll do any good when compared to somebody like Salem who has been killing Huntsman for hundreds of years!

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