Chapter 11: Road Trip!

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Inside a quiet, white room lies Edward just waking up. He sits up slightly but feels pain in his chest and lies back down.

Edward: Great. Just great. You just had to go and get yourself hurt, huh. Lets see this wound.

He look down to his chest and sees a large wound that healed rather quickly. The new scar makes a perfect 'X' on his chest with his other, older scar.

While inspecting his new accessory, Team RWBY enters the room to check on him. Each member gave a look of both shock and relief that he was awake.

Ruby: Edward! Thank god your awake!

She rushes up and hugs Edward without a seconds notice.

Ruby: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! You got hurt because of me!

Edward pats her head to calm her down, "Hey, I'm the reason I got hurt. Not you little red."

Despite hearing this, she doesn't let go.

Yang: Well, I guess the night ended a bit differently than you thought it would, huh?

Edward: Yeah. But on the bright side, I got myself a second date.

Weiss: Really? You got a second date? Surprising.

Edward puts a playful hand on his chest, "Ow, my pride."

Weiss: What pride?

Giving a slight chuckle, Edward a nod as to say "You got me there."

Blake: It's good to see you up. How are you feeling?

Edward: Well, I've felt better. But now I have a perfect x on my chest. The center is where I'm going to be stabbed next.

Blake: Don't jinx yourself already.

Edward peels Ruby off of him as she was squeezing a little too tight.

Ruby stands up and takes a few steps back before having the look of remembering something.

Ruby: I completely forgot that Ozpin called me. I have to go, bye Edward, get better soon.

She runs off and soon after her team says their goodbyes and head out themselves.

Now alone Edward lays back down once again.

Edward: Note to self: Don't bring one fucking weapon when investigating.

He thinks back to the other night while trying to remember what that woman looked like. She felt oddly familiar to him.

Edward: Now that I think about it, she kinda looks like-

His thoughts are interrupted by Ren and Nora entering the room.

Ren: Ah, I see your finally awake. You had us worried for a while.

Edward: Awww, did you miss me that much? I love you kids too.

Obviously embarrassed by the comment, Ren looks away with a red face while Nora doesn't seem embarrassed at all.

Nora: Love you, too!

Edward points to Nora, "See, that's what I like to hear. Nora, I'm making pancakes later!"

Nora: Pancakes!

Ren shakes his head, "Oh my Oum..."

Edward tries to get out of bed but is stopped by Ren and Nora trying to coax him back down.

Nora: I really don't think you should move right now.

Ren: Nora's right. Your wound may have somewhat healed but there could some other lasting affects. You should wait for a doctor's dismissal.

Edward: But what about-

Nora waves her finger at Edward, "No ifs, ands or buts about it mister. Your laying down."

Edward gives in, "Alright, fine."

With Edward now settled back down, Ren and Nora begin to leave.

Ren: As much as we would like to stay, we have a mission.

Edward: About?

Ren: We'll be shadowing a Huntsman. We don't know the rest because Jaune and Pyrrha are picking the exact mission.

Edward nods in understanding, "Don't let me hold you two too long. Just, don't be like me and get yourselves hurt.

Nora: Can do.

They leave and Edward is alone again. But, an idea seems to make its way to his head.

Edward pulls out his scroll and messages Ozpin.

Edward: Which Bullhead is Team RWBY taking?

Ozpin: I'll send you the location.


On the Bullhead, Edward is hiding behind some seats as to surprise them on arrival. As much as this will hurt his back, it's so worth it.

Once the Bullhead takes off, all during the ride Oobleck is talking none stop while half of Team RWBY is talking about regretting going on this mission due to Oobleck.

Edward: Maybe this wasn't as worth it as I thought.

After finally arriving, Team RWBY and Oobleck look out on a destroyed and failed expansion of Vale. Edward jumps out a little away so he doesn't give his arrival away.

He decides to reveal himself after the discover of Ruby's dog Zwei and then Oobleck's rambling about how it was a good idea to bring it.

Ruby: I'm a genius.

Edward: Agreed.

Ruby: Thank you.

It takes a second for everyone to register Edward's sudden appearance. Team RWBY are very surprised to see him up and moving so soon after injury.

Oobleck: Ah, I see you also smuggled your teammate. Another great idea. The more the merrier.

Blake: Edward, what are you doing up. You should be resting back at Beacon.

Edward waves off the comment, "I would have done that but I got bored. So instead.."

He pulls out his bag and shows that he brought most of his weapons and a crap-ton of ammo.

Edward: I brought all this to help with your Grimm extermination.

Oobleck: Speaking of which, there seems to be a creature of Grimm approximately 100 yards from our position at this very moment.

The team gets into fight positions with their weapons drawn ready to engage the enemy.

Oobleck: Wait. There are many reason for Grimm to congregate in this particular area. The most likely of which is their attraction to negative emotions. Most likely harboured by our ill intent.

The team stands down slightly.

Ruby: So, what now?

Oobleck: We wait, we track. If the specimen leads us to their pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Yang: How long do we wait?

Oobleck: It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why lone Grimm have been know to stay isolated from their pack for months, and there's the whole pack.

Weiss: What!?

Oobleck: And now they've seen us.

Weiss: What!?!

Oobleck: And now they've seen us!!

Ruby: I take it tracking is out of the question?

Oobleck: An accurate assumption, yes.

Yang: And what's the plan then?

Edward readies his pistols, "Here's a plan. Fight."

Oobleck: Logical plan. Show me what your capable of.

The team readies themselves for the oncoming pack of Grimm.

Edward: Definitely glad I packed dust bullets.

The fight begins.

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