Chapter 10: Ball-sy Moves (Get it?)

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Currently, Yang, Weiss and Edward are setting up the ballroom for the upcoming dance.

Yang sets a giant speaker next to a down Ruby.

Yang: So, you pick out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point if Blake isn't going.

Yang: Oh don't worry, she's going.

She looks off and sees Weiss setting up... doilies?

Yang: Weiss! I thought we agreed no doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get my doilies, then you don't get your fog machine.

In the back of the room, Edward yells out a different suggestion.

Edward: What about beer!?

Weiss/Yang: No/Yes!

In enters Neptune and Sun. At the sight of Neptune, Weiss starts acting much less uptight.

Neptune: The dance is going to have fog machines?

Weiss: We were thinking about it.

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: You ladies all excited for dress up?

The girls just look at Sun with a "Really?" face.

Ruby: Pfft, yeah right.

Yang: Laugh all you want, I'll be turning heads tomorrow night.

Weiss: What are you two wearing?

Sun motions to his usual outfit, "Uhhh, this."

Neptune: Ignore him, for he knows not what he says.

Sun: Hey! I may have moved to Mystral but I grew up in Vacuo. Its not exactly a shirt and tie kinda place.

Edward, in the back of the room, "Well neither is Patch, but I still look damn good in a suit!"

Yang: Yeah ya do.

He doesn't respond back and instead hides behind some curtains.

Sun: So, what does Blake think of all this? Still being all, you know, Blake-y?

Weiss: Obviously.

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind.

Yang: Guys trust me, Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.


On his way back to his dorm, Edward runs into Ren who is leaving his own dorm.

Edward: Hey Ren. How ya been.

Ren: I just had the most awkward conversation of my life.

Edward: What do you mean?

Ren: Well, Jaune grabbed me half naked out of the shower to talk about relationship advice, then thought me and Nora were together. I was half naked with only a towel during all of this.

Holding in a chuckle, Edward puts his hand on Ren's shoulder.

Edward: Son, imma be honest with you. That is the funniest scenario I've ever heard described. He really thought you and Nora were a couple?

Ren: Yup. Very awkward since we are now literal siblings. And Nora was in the room and everything.

Edward: Wow. Okay. Um, make sure Jaune knows that you two are siblings. That can help with some very awkward moments ahead of time.

Ren: I'll try.

Edward: Welp, goodnight. I need to make sure preparations are complete for tomorrow cause I got a date.

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