𝐓ime out

16 2 0

Kenma's POV

My eyes are closed, I can feel it. I can feel my hoodie over my shoulders, but not on me. My legs hurt, as if I'd been running. But that's odd because I never run. It doesn't smell like dirty socks and weights at all. Whose house is this?

I open my eyes and realize that it's my own. And that I hadn't made it to Yamamoto's house at all.

The environment felt like fever dream. As I couldn't tell what time it was, and couldn't convince myself to get out of bed.

My room is still messy-ish. Just a few pair of socks on the floor, some school work arranged messily on my desk, and my tangled gaming cords.

As I manage to pull myself out of my bed, the weight of gravity push itself onto me as I shuffle to my window.

I move my curtain out of the way and look. The sky is a dim blue, as one or two cars pass by.

'It seems to be the early morning,' I say to myself. I slowly look towards my room again. It's quiet, and I'm not quite sure what to do with that.

I change into some shorts and a t-shirt getting ready to head downstairs when I see a note on my door. I recognize it as y/n's handwriting.

'You are grounded. Not like it's anything different from how you've been treated, but now it has a title'

I scoff at the writing tossing it behind me as I open the door.

The house is quiet and dark. Everyone must still be sleeping. I then start to hear a faint noise coming from the kitchen.

Turning the corner I see y/n making tea for themself. They're wearing a long sleeve, sweatpants and socks.  Their hair is pulled out of their face as they pulled their favorite mug out of the cabinet. It was the one my mom gifted them on Christmas last year.

"Good morning," I groan as I accidentally take a whiff of my morning breath. I make a mental note not to get up close and personal with anyone for a while.

"Morning'," they respond, picking up their mug and taking a sip. They then head to the dining table with their phone and start scrolling though their social media.

I look through the fridge and cabinet 3 times, there is nothing in there that I really want to eat. So I make myself tea as well.

As the water is boiling, Suna walks into the room. I'm really starting to wonder if he doesn't have a home or family to get back to. He's been living at my house for about a month, and parents don't usually allow that.

He walks up to y/n kissing them on the forehead. Mumbling a 'good morning' to them before heading to the kitchen.

I haven't had a decent conversation with the guy. For the only reason being that I'm jealous. Jealous of the relationship he has with y/n. But if I had stayed with y/n, would they be like they are now? Probably not. But that logic doesn't stop my mood from declining when he enters the room.

"Good morning," he says. Even though I barely know the guy, his morning rasp is enough to send a tingle down my spine. Where did y/n find this guy?

I then head to to the dining room with my tea. I sit across from y/n. They look up from their phone, then back after seeing it's me.

After the events of yesterday I don't know what to do. The weekend is almost over and I have to go to school, but I have no motivation for it at all. And staying at home is boring, so I'm just here.

"You saw the note right?" They asked. I nodded.

If this is rock bottom, then I've hit it hard.

The silence speaks
But since it's silent, I can't hear it

The silence speaksBut since it's silent, I can't hear it

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