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I stand with my hands in my pockets, it is around 2 pm. So I am waiting at the main gates to the school's grounds. In a few minutes, the roads were flooded with children and teenagers alike, all just rushing to get home to do what they actually wanted to do.

Ahri who is next to me holds onto my hand tightly, still gathering the attention of a lot of other kids walking by... it would be impossible for her to miss me but easy to avoid me.

I hope she doesn't.

"There she is," she gestures to the crowd.

Trace walking in a group of five, though she was wearing a bright smile. It almost felt wrong to be here but that was just me being silly. I was just scared she wouldn't hear me out.

"Wish me luck," I say as I leave Ahri behind as I approach her.

Trace freezes, her friends follow her gaze. Now stood across from each other with what seems to be an already awkward confrontation she turns to them to say something before approaching me first.

I muster a smile, as we lock eyes she jumps forward almost tackling me to the ground as she throws her arms around me.

"I thought..."

"That I would ignore your existence?" I shake my head as I return the embrace, "Come on. That would just be stupid, I can't believe you would believe that."

She looks up to me with a weak laugh, "I didn't even say anything yet."

I lift my shoulders, "I just had a feeling."

We then break apart, "So you are not mad?"

"I am pretty vexed after you took everything into your own hands and probably made the single worst decision ever," I admit, "But I still love you."

"What I did was for the better," she says, "It wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to chase your own happiness."

I nod, "As much as I don't agree with you, Trace... thank you. I guess this is a situation that I ended up making harder for both of us, but I wanted to be with you."

"You are still family," she says, then looking behind me, "Besides... as grateful as I am to you. You should have picked Ahri over me."

"Maybe," I sigh.

She then pushes me gently, "Go. I won't be going anywhere anyway so when you do come back I will be around."

I nod, "First," I dig out of my pocket a small notepad along with my wallet, "It took a day to set up but I guess the least I can do is make sure you don't starve to death. Wherever you are..."

"I am living with Alex's cousin."

I nod, "There he goes helping the two of us yet again."

She smiles at me, as she grabs the things from my hand, "Thanks..."

"Everything is there that you need to know. Even my number if you do decide to forget what it is," I smile at her, "International calling is pretty expensive so make sure to be connected to WiFi."

She nods, "You are... taking this a little bit too well."

I then look over my shoulder at Ahri who is already caught between her young fans, "I have had the best support I could ever wish for."

She then pushes me again, "Go already. Aren't you supposed to be leaving? You are leaving right?"

I nod, "I am. I just wanted to see you and say goodbye."

She then rolls her eyes, "All those tears just to end up with the same outcome if you just listened to me," she then hugs me again, "I love you."

I whisper to her, "I love you too."

Waving goodbye the two of us leave. I have one more stop to make and it is to yet again thank the best friend I could ever ask for... that even when I can't always look out for me and my sister.

We decided to meet at a gas station... not my choice but his.

As we climb out of the car he jogs our way, "Glad to see you guys could see me off before I could see you off."

Ahri then furrows her brow, "You are leaving too?"

He nods, "Afraid so. Got a new work opportunity that involves me needing to go to the next city over," he chuckles, "But I can at least say I am happy to see the two of you managed to work things out."

I nod, "I am happy it did to," I then tilt my head, "Thanks... for everything you did. I don't think I will ever be able to-"

He shakes his head, "Just be happy, the both of you. I figure you deserve it by now?"

Ahri nods, "We do, and you should too. You are still a good friend to Eve and I... and thank you. FOr taking care of (Y/N) and being there for him."

He smiles at her, "He would have done the same for me," he then lets out a deep breath, "Well... stay safe and travel safely. I am afraid I have to get going."

I nod, going to hug him, "Stay safe, brother."

"Are we family now," he chuckles, "You to, brother."

Ahri greets him as well, my eyes drop to my feet as my smile slowly disappears. A lot of goodbyes were said today and it hurts. Even though we won't stop talking or being friends... it still felt sour.

Everyone going on their own path... which is for the best.

Ahri then pulls me into a hug, "I am proud of you."

"Are you now?" I chuckle, "I am pretty proud of myself but I don't think I did much to amount to any of the outcomes."

She shakes her head, "I was talking about how you are taking this all. I was expecting a few more tears and maybe a few fights but... here we are."

"At least we are going to be together," I smile down at her.

"It only took a few tears and biting to get here," she smiles warmly at me, "All that matters is that it all works out for everyone... I know that you might not feel happy with the outcome with Tracey but-"

I silence her with a kiss, "She will be fine. She is stronger than me and will always find a way to come out on top."

She nods resting her head on my chest as we watch Alex drive away. Waving him goodbye one last time. We stand in each other's embrace for a few moments longer until a phone call breaks apart with a very angry Eve ready to hit the road and get this tour moving.

"We should... get going," she winks at me.

"We should," I smile at her, "I love you."

She lifts herself to kiss me again, "I have always loved you, and now even more."

As we untangle ourselves from each other, we climb in the car to go meet the others. Awaiting what lies ahead of us with the new hope of our relationship being stronger and that it will last even after the grave takes us.

With what we went through... with the problems that came from my side and the way it affected her and everyone around me, I will make sure to do right by her as she stuck by my side.

But that is just how it goes, she was and still is my Highschool sweetheart.

Sweethearts (MaleReader x K/DA Ahri)Where stories live. Discover now