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Friday nights were what Louis looked forward to during the week. He walked around La Deux, the local night club, his friend Niall following behind him. They both snaked through sweaty bodies, grinding against each other, but Niall couldn't help but laugh as he watched a girl fall over in her heels. Louis rolled his eyes playfully, and turned his attention to his feet so that he wouldn't fall over, and he walked into the bathroom, the blond boy following behind him.

As the small, lanky boy stood in front of the mirror, he squinted his blue eyes, his tattooed fingers running through his hair. Louis jumped as he heard a sudden spraying sound, and a smell of strong cologne filled the bathroom in the club. He looked over at his Irish best friend, watching as he sprayed himself in a strong cologne.

"Niall, may I ask, what the fuck are you doing?" Louis laughed, turning his attention back towards the mirror, his hands still messing around with his thick brown locks.

"Just trying to attract someone to mate with, Lou, loosen up." His thick Irish accent spoke, a chuckle leaving his lips right after.

"You are absolutely gross and disgusting for using that term," Louis replied, a chuckle falling from his lips as his sentence finished.

Louis rolled his eyes for the second time, and he noticed that Niall was now looking in the mirror. He continued to play with his hair, until it was looking naturally messy, a wide smile on his pale pink lips. The slim, small boy watched as Niall walked out of the bathroom, and he waved him away quickly, explaining he'd be out in a minute. He retrieved his phone from the pocket of his jeans, unlocking it, to look at the picture of himself, Niall and his other best friend, Madi, and he hummed softly, as he heard the door to the bathroom creak open again.

"Niall, I said I'd be out in a minute!" Louis laughed, assuming that Niall had once again walked into the bathroom, but as he turned, he was met with a taller, bigger built figure.

As Louis realised his mistake, he was quick to close his mouth and turn back to the mirror, almost acting as if nothing had happened. The man standing in front of him was clearly not Niall. This man was quite tall, muscly, and Louis could see his six pack through his white shirt as he gave what he thought was a subtle side eye. The man had chocolate curls, that fell over his eyes, and Louis could see them - green, almost emerald - gazing at him, but he didn't realise he was gazing back until he had heard the taller lads voice talk slowly.

"Like what you see?" His raspy voice spoke.

"Uh, sorry. I thought you were my friend, I didn't mean to uh-" Louis had turned around now, but was cut off by the taller males hands, that were now resting against his hips, pulling him in. 

"So, you don't like what you see then?" The seemingly older man spoke once more, his lips curving into a grin as he tilted his head and arched his eyebrow.

"I didn't say that, but, your hands are really strong, and they're hurting me a little, so I'm gonn-," He was cut off half-way through his sentence, again, by the taller male.

"You're cute. What's your name." He spoke, the words rolling off of his tongue as one of his hands moved to run against the others right cheek, but Louis pulled his face away in a flinch, and his hands were now pushing at his strong biceps, rather roughly in an attempt to get him off.

"Louis." He spoke softly, a blush was now highlighting the apples of his pale cheeks, and his eyes had now moved to look down at the bathroom floor.

"Dance with me." He spoke, a devilish smirk on his heart-shaped lips.

Louis started to shake his head at him, but before had time to answer, he was tugged out of the bathroom by the stranger - his hands had moved from Louis' hips, but one was now wrapped around his wrist. As the two got out of the bathroom, Louis was laced through bodies, to a corner near the back of the club.

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