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"Be mine." 

Maybe this was what was best. Maybe over the week that Louis had been here, he'd been falling for the older lad. Maybe the green eyes that he was gazing into were the green eyes that he was supposed to be staring into for the rest of his life.

Louis didn't understand what it was about him, but he knew that there was no one else who made him feel this way, no one else who was like Harry. His eyes and lips and cheeks and his cute little nose. No one could be as perfect as the tall lad that was stood in front of him.

"Of course, Harry." Louis spoke softly,  his hands moving to cup the other cheeks as he leaned up to peck his lips a few times.

Louis lips curved into a smile as he watched the lads lips change from a shaky frown into one of the biggest smiles he had ever seen. As Harry's large arms wrapped around Louis' waist, the older lads lips were now peppering kisses over the smaller boys forehead and cheeks as he was held close to the others body.

"I'll look after you, Louis. I promise." Harry spoke quietly, as he let his face bury against the others soft hair.

Louis nodded his head and he leaned up to Harry, pressing a soft kiss to his right cheek as he looked at the other through his lashes. Harry smiled and for once, it was a smile where his teeth were showing. His smile was beautiful.

Then the two stood in silence, the only sound being the music that played through his radio. Louis hadn't even noticed the music before.

Harry looked so beautiful in the light of the moon shining through the window, but the candles and dim lights helped with brightening the room. Louis didn't realise that the time had gone by so quickly. He turned to look at the clock, only to see it was 23:49. Eleven minutes away from his birthday.

"Louis, go and get the box from downstairs." Harry said quietly, a small hum leaving his lips.

Louis immediately nodded and walked to the basement, slowly walking down the stairs to grab the box. He wanted to waste as much time as possible. He took a final glance at the box that was decorated with a blue ribbon, before he walked back upstairs, the box in his hands.


Louis watched as Harry looked at him. Eight more minutes. Eight. He gently counted down the seconds in his head, while watching as Harry poured two flutes of champagne, and he walked to the fridge. His eyes stayed focused on the other as he watched him pull out a carton of strawberries and he smiled. 


Five minutes before the smaller boys birthday. He looked at Harry as he opened the strawberries to pour them into a bowl, and he smiled as he took one out a strawberry from the bowl, biting into it, leaving only the top and the leaves that sat on the red fruit. He playfully smirked towards Louis as he took one of the red berries, taking a bit as he playfully rolled his eyes. He pushed a strawberry onto his own glass and then Louis.


One minute. Louis' gaze was still fixed on Harry as he dropped the top of the strawberry into the now almost empty carton and he smiled. He then slowly licked over his lips as Harry slid a glass of the champagne across the counter, and he gently lifted his up a little bit, expecting for Louis to do the same. So he did. He lifted his glass and he clinked it against the taller lads before he brought the glass to his lips.


Midnight. They both took a slow sip of the champagne and their eyes locked momentarily. Harry laughed and Louis rolled his eyes playfully before he sat the champagne glass down against the counter once more. He then looked at the box that was beautifully wrapped, before he tilted his head towards Harry.

"May I?" Louis whispered out softly as Harry softly nodded his head.

"Of course. Happy birthday, Louis."

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