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In the morning, Louis watched as Harry woke up, his voice slightly grumpy and deep, deeper than what it usually was. Louis had moved to sit in the corner and read his book, singing softly to himself. Louis eyes moved from the pages of his book to focus on Harry for a few seconds, watching as the other yawned, and he shook his head, looking back down at his book. Harry looked over at the small boy, expecting a 'good morning', or  a 'hello', but Louis kept his eyes glued to the pages of the book, the story sinking into his head. 

"Louis, why are you over there?" Harry mumbled, his eyes squinting a little bit, almost as if he was trying to read Louis mind, pick his thoughts apart. 

"Because, you're in my "bed" and took it up for the whole night." Louis said slowly as he kept his eyes on the pages of the book, not wanting to look over at the other man.

"Oh, sorry. Are you okay?" The taller, hungover boy asked, swallowing the lump in his throat, grumbling.

"I'm fine, Harry, you can leave now if you like. I don't need your company." Louis spoke, being quite calm, until he actually realised how horrible he must've sounded. "There's water on the floor, take it. Sounds like you need it."

"Oh, uh, Alright, if you say so. If you need anything, just call for me." Harry said softly as he picked up the bottle of water, and he pulled himself onto his feet, stumbling slightly but making sure not to fall. 

"Can I listen to music?" Louis asked, as he watched Harry stand up, his taller figure starting to stumble again, his hand flying up to hold his forehead - the headache that was forming was bad and he couldn't wait to take some pain killers.

"Sure. I have a CD player somewhere in here, I'm sure I have some discs with it." He sent a smile in the direction of Louis, before he proceeded to stumble over to, and up the stairs of the basement.

As Harry left, locking the door as always, Louis stood up, walking around the room, at a slow, careful pace. He saw a cardboard box in the corner of the room, and he walked over, reaching inside it, moving a few things. He found a few discs, pulling them out, flicking through them. He noticed a Green Day CD, and he nodded softly, mentally cheering to myself. He noticed a few Take That CDs and a Pierce the Veil CD. He shrugged, thinking to himself as he started to look around for the CD player, thinking it would be beside the discs themselves.

Seconds later, He found his head smashing against the wall, his feet tripping over themselves - or the CD player.

Louis rolled my eyes, and he stood up, wiping off his knees and bum, before picking up the player, walking to the wall that contained an outlet. He sat down, plugging the player into the wall, watching as it lit up, saying that there was no CD inside. He smiled to himself as he slowly looked through the other CDs, seeing Chesire Cat by Blink 182, and he squeaked to himself. He slowly opened the case and he took the disc out, putting it into the player himself. As he listened to Carousel starting to play, he slowly slid a hand through his hair, and he moved over to the middle of the floor, sitting on his duvets, nodding his head along to the beat of the song as he looked at the book on his duvets.

Louis got through around six songs, and he continued to read, not at all noticing that he was singing, until he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He quickly bit down on his lip hard, stopping himself from singing, as he felt the tall males presence over him. Louis' lip stayed tucked between his teeth, continuing to read the book, as Harry sat in front of him, the mans index finger hooking the top of the book, pulling it down, so his eyes were burning into Louis'.

"You're not ignoring me, are you?" Harry spoke, his head tilted to the side, his voice a lot clearer than it was around a half hour ago. Maybe the water had helped.

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