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09:42am. Louis had woke up to the sun shining through Harry's bedroom window, and he almost immediately groaned as he turned around to face the other. Louis looked over the others body, his face slowly burying against the others neck for a moment. He listened as the other let out a small groan, and he hummed as he felt the others arm slowly drape around his small waist.

After he laid for an ten minutes extra in bed, Louis' face pulled back slightly as he sat up, a small groan leaving his lips. He looked around the room that he had slept in, taking in all of his surroundings. He then slowly got up out of the bed, and he stretched his arms up, before turning back around to look at Harry, who had fallen back to sleep, with his mop of curls now spread out over both his pillow, and the one that Louis' had slept on. He let a happy sigh leave his lips before he slowly walked to the window, closing the curtains over the whole way. He then walked around the other side of the bed, before he leaned down to press a soft kiss to Harry's head.

He then slowly walked out of the bedroom, and he let his body trail downstairs, a yawn leaving his lips, hands balling into fists as he stretched once more. He then looked around the hall for the second time as he got to the bottom of the long staircase, and he took in all of the paintings once again, adoring each one. The small lad walked through the hallway, and back to where he remembered the kitchen being. 

He then walked over to the window, slowly sliding the blinds open, but not enough to let the sun blind his eyes. He turned back around and looked around the kitchen, letting the memories and moments from the night before fill his head. He then leaned down and opened the cupboard that was next to the sink, looking for the pots and pans. After a few moments of looking through the cupboard, he moved to look into the cupboard next to it, and then the one next to that.

And after looking in another two cupboards and the fridge, Louis found a pan, some pan spray and the ingredients that needed to make pancakes. He grinned to himself, feeling slightly proud that he had now discovered, a) where Harry keeps his pots and pans, b) where he keeps his baking ingredients, and c) that he is a huge fucking nerd that buys Star Wars figurines and Marvel comic books.

Louis then made his way back over to the stove, and he turned it on, watching as the flames immediately went into place, blues and oranges, sparking and forming together. He then put the pan over the burner, and he slowly took the pan spray, spraying over the base of the pan, leaving the pan to heat up as he made a strawberry pancake recipe, the one that he'd learned to make with Niall.

After around 5 minutes, the pan had heated up completely, and the mixture was finished and ready to put into the pan. Louis grinned in satisfaction as he slowly poured the mixture into the pan, listening as it sizzled ever so slightly in a thick layer. He then let that pancake cook for a minute and a half before he quickly, and very expertly, flipped the pancake, watching as it landed perfectly.

After doing the same with three more pancakes, two for himself and two for Harry, Louis heard a laugh from behind him as he flipped the last one, almost missing the pan. Harry came up from behind Louis, and his arms wrapped around the smaller boy slowly. Louis jumped slightly as he felt a kiss being pressed to the back of his neck, and he put the pan back down to the stove.

"Breakfast, for me?" Harry mumbled out slowly, his arms moving from the others waist to stretch upwards, but he then walked to the table, making space for the two to sit together.

"Lets call it brunch." Louis replied with a small laugh, earning a chuckle from Harry as well. 

Louis then slowly reached over and turned the oven off slowly, watching as the flame disappeared. He then picked up both plates and turned around, walking to the table as he handed Harry his plate He then put his plate down on the table, and he sat down next to the other. 

"Did you sleep okay, Lou?" Harry asked the smaller lad, one of his eyebrows quirking upwards, and a hum left his lips as he cut a slice from his pancake and slipped it past his lips.

"My sleep was wonderful, perfect in fact. Everything is perfect with you."

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