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As Harry went to stand up, Louis slowly reached and took his hand, shaking his head. He pulled the taller male down next to him again, before he cuddled into the other, licking over his lips. He slowly looked up at the man with the curls, and he slowly smiled.

"Before we go upstairs, can you sing to me?" Louis asked the other slowly, tilting his head ever so slightly, smiling sweetly.

"What do you want me to sing?" Harry asked the other, his cheeks turning a soft pink colour.

"Anything that you want to." Louis smiled and he slowly cuddled into the others side properly, resting his head on the others shoulders.

Harry thought for a few moments before he slowly licked over his lips, starting so slowly hum. Louis didn't know that Harry was going to choose a Panic! At The Disco song, and he really didn't expect for Harry to sound as amazing as he did.

"Now, I'm of consenting age, to be forgetting you in a cabaret. Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen may even ask my name. As she sheds her skin on stage. I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's P.A." Harry started to sing slowly, taking a deep breath as he sang the slightly faster part. "The strip joint veteran sits two away, smirking between dignified sips of his dignified peach and lime daiquiri."

Louis watched the others lips, loving how the song sounded with his voice. Harry felt his cheeks heat up with a flush as he felt Louis' eyes on him, but he continued to sing slowly.

"And isn't this exactly where you'd like me, I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know. Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety," Harry sang slowly, repeating the part, continuing the second verse, "Oh, but I'm afraid that I, well, I may have faked it and I wouldn't be caught dead in this place,"

Harry then stopped singing, nibbling at his bottom lip as he looked down at Louis, a nervous smile on his lips. Louis smiled and he slowly pressed a kiss to the taller males shoulder, looking up at him slowly, before he stood up, holding a hand out for Harry to take.

"Can we go and eat now?" Louis asked awkwardly, a small blush on his usually pale cheeks, a shy smile on his lips. It wasn't his place to ask to go and eat but there was a rumble in his stomach that he couldn't ignore for much longer.

"Why, of course we can, darling. Come on." Harry spoke, his deep voice rumbling slightly, his hand slowly reaching out to take Louis'. 

The two slowly walked over to the basement stairs, walking up them with their hands still held together, a small hum leaving Louis' lips as he felt a squeeze from Harry's hand to his. He looked around, as Harry opened the door, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He continued to chew on his lip as Harry let the smaller boy walk out first. He looked back at the door he came in the first time he made any contact with this house, and he shivered, a small huff leaving his thin lips.

Louis looked back up at Harry, as he was led into the dining room that was rather large. He looked around, his eyes scanning the walls. The clock that hung next to the window read 23:12 - with clock hands, of course. He looked at the walls, with paintings hung all around, and some photo's in frames. His focus then went to the large table that was decorated with plates, cutlery, two wine glasses and two candles. He then noticed the two chairs, across from each other. 

By what Louis could see, Harry was rich. Very rich. He had a large dining room, and from what he could see from the dining room, a pretty large lounge. He was sure that there was at least three bedrooms upstairs. Louis had never been in such a large house before.

Louis watched as Harry pulled a chair out from the large table, a small smile on his lips. Harry nodded towards the chair, and Louis walked across the room, sitting down. The second that Louis was seated, Harry slid the others chair in, before he walked around to the other side of the table, and sat down across from him. He let his hands rest on the table, as he let out a sigh that lasted a few seconds. A sea of nerves washed over Harry, but he brushed it off and turned his attention back to Louis, sending a smile across the table. 

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