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Louis took a step back from Harry, and he properly looked over the lads tall, muscly frame. Who knew that being kidnapped and being locked down in a basement could be the way that he found the potential love of his life. 

"Let's go upstairs, pet." Harry took a step closer to me and he let his arms lace around the smaller lads torso, his lips gently moving to kiss Louis' temples.

Louis chuckled and he nodded his head slowly, rolling his eyes playfully as he let his hands move to gently slide into the others. Harry then grabbed the carton of strawberries from the counter, and he turned to walked out of the kitchen, realising that he was more focused on the beautiful boy in front of him than he was the food on the kitchen table. Harry let the carton of sweet fruit clink against the light switch, and as it turned off, he pressed a soft, gentle kiss to Louis' hair, and he let out a mumble that was inaudible to the other.

Harry lead the smaller boy to the staircase and he slowly started to walk up them, stalling as he looked back at Louis. The smaller boy was admiring how beautiful the gorgeous walls were and how pretty the marbled banisters were. The boys blue eyes wandered over the walls the lead upstairs, admiring the paintings that covered the walls in a perfectly scattered manner. A few looked very original, and Louis didn't ever expect Harry to paint - but the paintings in the gold plated frames proved that the man before him could do almost anything. His eyes then focused on the colour of the wallpaper, a soft blue colour, with muted yellow and pink flowers decorating the walls. He then felt the other lads hand squeeze his own, and any tense feeling he had slowly disappeared.

Louis then turned his attention back to walking up the stairs, and he watched the other take lead down the long hallway, several rooms being scattered around the upstairs. As the two stopped outside what Louis assumed to be the others bedroom, Harry turned around.

"I want to warn you now, the room might be messy. Last time I was in here, I was probably drunk." Harry chuckled and Louis playfully rolled his eyes in response, a soft giggle leaving his lips. "I like a bottle of champagne every now and then, alright?"

Louis then slowly pushed past the other and he opened the bedroom door, gasping almost immediately as he took in his surroundings. There was a huge television and a king sized bed, covered in a large duvet and four pillows. There were very few paintings to Louis' surprise, but there were a lot of photo frames. Louis let his hand slide out of Harry's, and he walked over to a small photo frame that was sitting on the bedside table. He picked it up slowly, and he noticed that it was a picture of Harry and a women. She looked about his age, maybe a little older. Dyed blue hair, a beanie over the routes that looked slightly brown.

"Gemma. She's my sister." Harry rasped out from behind the other lad, his limber frame leaning against the door frame.

The taller man then took a few steps over to Louis, and he let his arms loosely wrap around the others small waist, his lips leaving a few soft kisses to his hair. Louis gently pushed his bum back, chuckling as he heard a small grunt leaving the others lips and he shook his head playfully, before he continued.

"She's really pretty." Louis said as he took one last look at the photo. He then turned, looking back at Harry with a smile before sitting the photo back down onto the bedside table. "Do you see her often?"

"I see her from time to time. She's pretty cool." He answered softly, nodding his head very softly.

Louis hummed and nodded his head, turning slightly so that his body was facing the others, and Harry let his hands rest on Louis waist. He pressed a kiss to Louis forehead, and he then let his hands start to rub up and down his waist and hips, a small chuckle leaving his lips as Louis buried his face into his chest. He pressed a very soft kiss to Louis forehead and hair and he let his nose bury into Louis hair, another laugh leaving the taller man's lips. 

"You're so adorable, Lou-bear." He commented, and Louis blushed at the nickname.

"Thank you," Louis whispered, quickly trying to come up with a creative nickname. "Hazza."

"Hazza? That is utterly adorable, my small prince." He said softly and kissed Louis head for the third time in about ten minutes. "You'll always be my pretty prince."

"And you'll always be my big, tough, slightly taller prince." Louis mumbled out into Harry's chest. 

"You are so cute and cuddly. Now, I think it's about time that you should sleep. I've planned a huge day for us tomorrow, and I want you to be up nice and early so we can do things together." Harry said, rather excitedly, his eyes lightening ever so softly.

"I'll wake up early. I promise you, Harry." Louis mumbled, pressing a kiss to his chest, tilting his head up to look at Harry. 

"Of course. Now, let's get you changed and into bed, my prince." Harry said and pressed a kiss to Louis forehead and then the tip of his nose.z

Louis nodded his head and he slowly slid his shirt off that he'd been wearing for a few days now, and then his jeans. He watched as Harry walked over to his wardrobe, a small hum leaving his lips as the taller male turned around with pyjamas and a pair of clean boxers a few moments later.

"You look beautiful." He said softly, before he walked back over towards Louis, kissing the smaller lads cheek gently. The smaller lad then smiled very softly, letting his head shake as he rolled his eyes once more.

"Thank you, Harry, I appreciate that." Louis thanked the taller lad, taking the clothes out of his hands, changing slowly but turning around so the other wouldn't see. "Harry, why are the bottoms Star Wars?"

"My mum got me them! Now, come get into bed." He lied, hoping Louis wouldn't bring it up again. He let go of Louis hands to undo and pull down his jeans, slipping out of them and changing into a pair of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pyjamas he'd bought himself a few weeks ago.

Louis quickly changed from his clothes into the pyjamas, and he walked across the room, slowly sliding into the king sized bed. He got cuddled up underneath the duvet, his body seeming smaller than usual. Harry walked across to the bedroom door, closing it before he then walked across to the bed and he did the same.

Louis almost immediately let an arm drape over the others torso as he laid down slowly, his face burying against the soft pillows, a small hum leaving his lips. Harry let his body relax into the mattress and he let his hand slowly slide through the others soft, feathered hair, a small hum leaving his own lips.

"Goodnight, Harry," Louis mumbled out slowly, his whole body already starting to fall asleep, his eyes becoming heavy, his fingers gently tapping against the others stomach.

"Goodnight, Louis." Harry said slowly as he leaned down to press a kiss to the others hair, his own eyes closing slowly.

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