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As the van shook, going over bumps and pot-holes in the road, Louis wrapped his arms around his knees, sobbing. He knew that whoever was driving in the front seat, had an evil smirk on his lips, and it was only making him feel more sick. The radio played through the van, but Louis was only focusing on the humming of the other. As He held himself, he felt the vehicle come to a stop at some traffic lights. Louis could only look straight ahead, trying to figure out who this man possibly was and what that man wanted with him. 

Louis looked around the back of the van trying to see if he could figure out who this would be by anything lying on the floor. He noticed a hairbrush laying on the floor, along with a bottle of cologne, and a Swiss army knife. He let out a sigh, and with ease, he slowly crawled towards the knife, reaching out to touch it, but as his finger touched the blade, the vehicle jolted to a start again, and he suddenly felt a quick slice being made to his finger. Louis let out a quiet wince, being careful as he moved back to the corner that was originally in. He didn't want for his kidnapper to know that he was snooping around, and he certainly didn't want him to know that he'd injured himself. Why would he care anyway?

The smaller boy brought his knees back up to his chest, his arms snaking around them, head burying against them slowly. He started to sniffle softly, a weak whimper leaving his lips, as a few tears rolled down his pale cheeks. Louis whined a little as he felt the van stop rather abruptly, his body jolting forward a little. A few cuss words left the other males lips, Louis could hear that from where he was. He also heard the front door to the van opening and closing again.

Louis quickly laid on the floor, curling his body up, so the older male would think he was asleep. As he heard the back doors being fiddled with, he closed his eyes and slowed his breathing as much as he could. He slowly let his face relax as he heard the back doors opening, and the male that he was quite honestly petrified of, climbed into the back. Louis thought he'd be 'awoke' by a large shake, or possibly even a slap. But, the way that Louis was 'woken', was completely different to what he had expected.

"So beautiful. Darling, wake up." The male spoke, his hand gently caressing my cheek.

"Hm?" Louis mumbled, trying his hardest to act asleep.

"Come on, sleepy head. Time to wake up." He spoke, as he gently, but carefully, picked Louis up and held him in his large arms. He opened his eyes, still very unaware of who the man was, but he knew that he recognised those green eyes. The ones with a sparkle. The male opened up the door to his rather large apartment, and he slowly put Louis to his little feet.

"Get to know the place, you'll be here a while." He spoke quietly.

"Wh-what?" Louis whispered, as he watched the taller, bigger guy take off his hooded sweater.

The curls. Green eyes. Tall and slim, but muscular body. The guy from the club.

"Why am I here?" Louis breathed, suddenly scared as he quickly ran his fingers up and over his neck.

"I like you." He smirked, sending a wink to Louis as he did so. 

Louis looked back at the door, seeing it was only a few steps away. He turned his body, then quickly ran towards it, grabbing the handle. He started to yell, as the other quickly reached his hand out, pulling Louis back to his body by his little waist. The other male picked Louis up, hauling him over his shoulder, in a fire mans carry, and he started to pound his small fists off of the others back, small sobs leaving his lips as he started yelling again.

The taller, muscular man walked down the stairs to his basement, a smirk on his lips as he stared at the empty chair in the middle of the room, a rope laced around the bottom. Had he been planning this?

He walked to the chair, carefully moving Louis from his shoulder, placing him down on the chair, then lifting the rope up, to wrap around his arms and chest. He quickly sat on his lap when he started to squirm, making sure he wouldn't be able to get off, whilst he wrapped the rope around, being careful. After a few minutes of tying the rope around the others small body, he stopped, tying a knot that was steady enough to keep Louis in his place, but not tight enough that it would hurt him. 

As Louis continued to squirm and struggle, the taller man got off of his lap, moving to the back off the chair. He fished a rope off of the floor, with his right hand and he gently moved Louis' hands behind the chair with the other, crossing them, one over the other. He slowly, gently moved to wrap the ropes around Louis' slender wrists, being careful.

"PLease, why are you doing this?" Louis questioned, tears rolling down his cheeks, his breath catching in the back of his throat. "Please, let me go home."

"Don't be silly - I'm not letting you go home." The other lad said slowly, focusing on the at the others wrists. "Hasn't that been made obvious by now?

"Just tell me, why am I here?" He pleaded, slow but rough breaths falling from his lips.

"You see, darling, I find you gorgeous. Beautiful actually." The older lad spoke, smirking as he stood and walked around to stand in front of Louis. 

"So you kidnap me?!" He snapped, a few tears still running down his cheeks. "That is so fucking stupi-," 

"Let me finish, love." The tall male spoke, laughing slightly, his index finger pressing against Louis lips. "I didn't like the idea of someone else taking you, claiming you as their own. So I marked you. I like a fiesty boy, Louis, and you see, I've liked you for a while. I've followed you and stuff," He said gently, rubbing his free hand over the back of his head, "But, don't be creeped out, love, I find you rathe-"

"You stalked me?! You fucking stalked me. How can I not be creeped out! You most likely know all about me, and you probably know where I live, and now, here I am, tied up!" His first few words came out in a mumble, but the rest came out in sobs as the older man moved his finger away. 

The taller, older man took a couple of steps forward, wiping under Louis' eyes with his thumbs, his lips pressing against his forehead as he stood back up again.

"But, you'll grow to love it." He smirked, winking at him as he walked back to the stairs, walking up them. "And, please, don't try to escape. Unless you're going to escape to my bedroom."

stockholm syndrome ♛ stylinson  [𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now