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Louis didn't realise he had fallen asleep, until he was awoken, by the man of mystery, walking downstairs, a plate in his hands. The man who's name was still a mystery smiled weakly at Louis, his green eyes a little darker than last night. He walked over to Louis, sitting in front of the smaller boy who flinched slightly as the other sat down rather quickly.

The unnamed man slowly took a knife and fork from the plate, as Louis' eyes adjusted; just now noticing that the male had brought him pancakes, with strawberries, maple syrup and a bit of whipped cream; his favourite.

"Hi, Louis." He spoke quietly, as he gently started to cut a piece of the top pancake, skewering it onto the fork. "I made you breakfast. Pancakes, your favourite. Your eyes are red, I'm assuming you cried a lot last night."

"Thanks, I guess?" Louis spoke, his voice raspy, but sore, from all of the crying he had been doing. "Yeah, I guess. I'm okay now. And I really don't want to eat anything."

"You have to eat, don't be bratty." The taller male spoke, his voice sounding a little more raspy than he had remembered, and he whined as the fork was brought up to his lips, "Maybe I should tell you my name?"

"Yes, please do," Louis said, a small grumble leaving his lips as he opened his mouth, the small but delicious slice of pancake was slid past his lips.

Louis hummed in appreciation, watching as the older lad cut a few more pieces off of the rather thick treat, making sure the pieces were smothered in syrup and whipped cream. Louis gently smiled as another piece was brought to his lips, and he gladly opened them to the delicious treat. He felt like a toddler, having his first meal. He didn't know whether he liked it or whether he hated it.

"I'm Harry." He spoke quietly. The lad now had a name. "Harry Styles."

"Lovely to know." Louis nodded his head and he noted the others name in the back of his head.

"You won't tell anyone about this, right?" He spoke out, sounding a little aggravated, "I don't want anyone to know about this, Louis, I swear to god. You're only here for a friendship, and that's all I want out of it."

"So you grab me in the middle of a club, start grinding on me, and then kidnap me? What a good start to a friendship," Louis rolled his eyes, before he was interrupted by Harry coughing.

"Watch your mouth. Keep in mind, it's me that has you tied up." He said rather roughly, not wanting to seem weak or vulnerable at all. You could tell that Harry didn't like feeling vulnerable.

Harry put his attention back to the pancakes for a few seconds, before he looked back up at Louis, bringing another slice of pancake to his lips, watching as the smaller boys lips opened up. Louis nodded softly as his teeth bit down against the fork, letting the pancake drop down onto his tongue, and once the other had taken the fork away, he started chewing the soft treat.

Harry had suddenly turned his attention to Louis' thin body. The boy was so thin and skinny. Almost as if he didn't eat much at all, but maybe he did. Maybe he was just naturally skinny. Maybe he just didn't look big because of his height. As Harry looked back up to the boys face, he shook his head, taking another bit of pancake for the other as he shook his head.

"I'm not hungry anymore," Louis said rather bluntly, not wanting to say anything else about it.

"Lou, eat." Harry said rather clearly as he held the fork up to the others lips, raising one eyebrow towards the other.

"Don't call me Lou. It's Louis," Louis said rather sternly as he looked up at Harry, licking over his lips, "I said I wasn't hungry."

Harry slowly stood up, and he walked away from the other, going towards the stairs to get back up to his bedroom, rolling his eyes.

"I'll be back. Don't move." Harry rasped slowly, humming to himself.

"I don't exactly have a choice." Louis said sarcastically, looking up at the ceiling.

"Attitude." Harry responded to Louis' reply, getting rather frustrated with how brave he was becoming.

Harry took his time walking up to his bedroom, and once he had reached the room, he walked around, taking things from his wardrobe and from baskets and drawers. He grabbed thick duvets and thin duvets, pillows and blankets, he even found a tattered bear that he thought he'd give to Louis. The least he could do while he had Louis in his house was move him into a spare room - but why do that, when he could just make a shitty bed in the middle of the basement floor?

Harry grabbed everything that he'd found and he walked to the top of the basement stairs, throwing everything down them, watching as Louis raised an eyebrow, and he slowly walked down the stairs.

"What are you doing? Making me a bed out of quilts?" Louis asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he asked his question.

"Exactly that. Ten points to you, do you want a gold star as well?" Harry asked as he tilted his head towards the other, chuckling, rolling his eyes in response to Louis' eye roll, and he started to move to duvets and blankets and all of the bed shit into the middle of the floor.

Harry started to lay the thicker duvet on the floor, making sure that it wouldn't be too bad on Louis' back, not wanting to be too big of an asshole. After all, Louis was a young, attractive boy, of course Harry wouldn't want for his back to hurt.

And all of a sudden, thoughts started going through the taller lads head, thoughts that were unholy and horrible. Thoughts of how attractive Louis actually was, and thoughts of how his lips would be against his own, but all Harry could do was shake his head.

Harry sighed and he shook his head, quickly grabbing the pillows and the other duvets and blankets, quickly layering everything on top of everything, not really caring whether it was neat.

"You're best to use the thick one to lay on, and the thin one and the blanket to cover yourself. It can get pretty hot down here or pretty cold." Harry said as he stood up properly, licking over his plump lips, tilting his head towards the other. "What will we do with you now?"

"I mean, you could untie me and let me off of this fucking chair, my arse is fucking painful," Louis said, grumbling and grunting as he tugged at the rope.

"And what's the magic word?" Harry teased as he knelt down in front of the small, vulnerable boy, chuckling.

"Untie me, you fucking asshole," Louis let the nasty words slide out of his mouth, and as they did, he let a sweet smile take over his small lips.

"Aw, well done, sweetheart. Those are the magic words." Harry rolled his eyes and he stood back up, stretching his arms out slowly.

Harry moved around to the back of Louis, kneeling down behind the wooden, uncomfortable chair. He slowly started to undo the knots, unwrapping Louis' now burned, poor wrists and as Louis kept up his 'I don't give a fuck', attitude, he let out a whimper, hating how his wrists were now red and sore. As the rope fell from Louis' wrists, Harry watched as the others hands quickly to his front, rubbing at his wrists slowly, wincing as he did so. Louis sniffled slightly as Harry started to untie the knot that held the rope around his waist and upper arms. He continued to slowly slip the knot out, unravelling the rope from Louis' figure, getting up as he watched the rope fall to the floor.

"Do you want anything? A book perhaps, a few magazines?" Harry asked, standing back up as he watched Louis move from the chair onto the pile of duvets that was now his bed.

"Yes please. Just a few would be fine." Louis replied slowly, looking down at his wrists, not being able to shake the fact that he'd been trying to get out so badly that his wrists were now marked.

"Okay, but don't think that you're going to get away with everything. You've still been kidnapped, and you're still mines for as long as I decide." Harry spoke as he walked back towards the steps of the basement, picking up the tattered bear that was on the floor, chucking it over beside Louis. "One step out of line Tomlinson, and that chair will be yours again."

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