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Louis sat cross-legged on his 'bed', reading a book that Harry had recently brought for him. Louis hadn't slept the best the night before, but it was better than sleeping on a shitty wooden chair for seven and a half hours. He ran his fingers over the soft pages, a soft hum leaving his lips as he gazed down to look at the image that was printed onto the page. The picture featured a beautiful music box, with a gorgeous ballerina sitting against upright in the box, her back facing Louis as if she was turning slowly, and Louis could almost hear the music that'd play with the little toy girl.

After a few moments of looking down at the book, Louis' attention was turned over to the steps of the basement as he heard the basement door open. As the door opened, Louis watched as a tall, very well-dressed Harry walked down the creaky stairs, holding a wrapped box in his hands, a smile on his lips. He then slowly walked over to the corner of the basement, sitting the box down.

"Louis, I have to go out tonight." He spoke, as the smile on his lips got wider.

"Ah, really? Going to meet someone?" The smaller of the two replied, as he looked back down at the book, turning the page slowly, reading over the words.

"Yes, actually. Will you be alright on your own? You're not hungry or anything?" He spoke, lightly running a hand through his dark, hair-sprayed curls. Since when did Harry spray his hair?

"I'll be fine Harry. Have fun." Louis said quietly as Harry walked towards the other. "And whats in the box?"

"Don't open it. You're not aloud to until next week." Harry nodded his head, and he ran his hands over his face which looked like it'd been freshly shaved.

"But, it's my birthday next week," Louis started softly, before Harry interrupted, tilting his head towards the other.

"I know that, I'm not stupid. Now, I really have to go, my cab will be here in a few minutes. I'm gonna leave the basement door unlocked, so you can get water and stuff if you want, but the other doors and windows will be locked." Harry nodded his head, before he stood back up properly.

"Alright, thank you." Louis smiled weakly at him as he made his way back over to the stairs.

His eyes moved from the pages of the book over to the basement stairs, and then the door and then the handle. Louis looked down at the book again, and then at the box that was in the corner, and he shrugged his shoulders slowly, running a hand through his hair as he tilted his head slightly, putting the book down.

The small boy stood up and he stretched out his little body, licking over his lips as he looked around the basement, and then he listened as Harry opened his front door, closed it, and then locked it. The walls in the house were so thin, and Louis wanted to investigate.

And so he did.


After a few minutes of being sure Harry had left, Louis slowly climbed up the basement stairs, opening the door, being surprised that Harry had actually left it open. He slowly walked out of the basement, being rather surprised when he was met with a baby blue hallway, covered in gorgeous paintings, and shelves that held flowers and picture frames. Harry seemed to love decorations, and Louis was a fan of his decorating style. He slowly let his eyes wander from painting to painting, and he slowly walked over to a small, very polished side table, running his fingers the varnished wood.

He then noticed that there was a picture frame sitting on the small table, and Louis couldn't help but pick it up. In the frame, there was a photograph of Harry standing next to a girl with the ends of her hair dip-dyed a green colour. Who was she? Was she maybe the taller lads girlfriend, or cousin. Sister maybe? That was something that Louis hoped to find out eventually, but he didn't know when he would - or if he would.

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