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"Harry, where are we going?" Louis squealed loudly, his hands landing on top of his covered eyes, as Harry parked up his car in front of the fun fair.

"I never really got to properly take you out, sweetheart, so that's what I'm doing, finally." Harry said as he unbuckled his own seat belt, and Louis', and he got out of the car and jogged to Louis' side quickly.

Harry opened his boyfriends door, and he took Louis' hands, slowly and carefully helping him out of the car, being sure and careful that Lou didn't bang his head. As he got out of the car, Louis turned his head, as he heard a lot of noise, cheers and loud voices and laughs coming from the small carnival that awaited the two. Harry let his large hands slide up to Louis' face and he slid the blindfold off of his boyfriends eyes, watching, as Louis' eyes lit up and he bit his lip happily.

"Harry, I love fun fairs!" Louis squealed as he wrapped his small arms around Harry, and he pressed a kiss to the others cheek, watching as his faced turned a soft pink.

"There's more surprises, my prince. You deserve the best." Harry replied as he wrapped his arms around his Louis, and he pressed a kiss to his hair, before pulling away from the hug, to put his hand against the others. "Shall we?"

Louis nodded his head quickly and the two quickly walked into the small fairground through the large gate. Harry pulled his wallet out of his pocket, buying two tickets and he walked inside, where he saw Niall and Madi waiting near the large Ferris Wheel.

"Okay, so. Seeing as it's your birthday, I didn't want it to just be us. I invited Madi and Niall." Harry grinned very softly and he nibbled his lip as he saw Louis' eyes lighting up.

Harry then pointed over to the wheel, and he laughed as Louis ran over to his two best friends, and a loud squeal was quickly emitting from Louis' thin lips. Harry slowly made his way over to the three, running a hand through his chocolate brown curls as he did so, and he winked towards Louis.

"Hey." Harry spoke softly as Louis blushed, noticing his lovers small wink, and he then looked at Niall and Madi.

"This is Niall and Madi," Louis spoke softly, then remembering Harry most likely already knew that. "And, um, guys, this is Harry, my boyfriend."


After several rides and balls of cotton candy, Louis was now standing against a small stall, and he looked around at all of the beautiful stuffed animals, before he noticed a large seal. As soon as he set eyes on it, he knew that he wanted it.

"Excuse me, miss? How do I win the seal?" Louis asked, as Harry walked up behind him, his arms wrapping around the other, causing Louis to jump slightly.

"Well, darlin', that's the largest prize! To win that, you have to knock over three towers of cups, and then throw a hoop over the pillar in the tower of toys!" The women behind the stall exclaimed happily, laughing to herself. "If I were you darlin', I'd go for a smaller prize, it's hard to do. I can't even do it myself."

"I'll do it for him." Harry spoke up, and he slid a fiver from his pocket, before he handed it over to the lady, and Louis watched as she handed Harry five red balls, and two red hoops.

"The aim of the game, sugar, is to-," The lady started to talk before Harry rolled his eyes, knowing what to do.

"I know, I know, I heard you." He said softly, before Louis slid out of his boyfriends arms and he stood to the side, not wanting to distract Harry.

Harry lifted up one of the balls, and he chucked it towards one of the cup towers, completely missing, and he let out a small cuss word to himself. But after that, his luck came. He threw another two balls, knocking over two towers, and he looked at the two balls that were now left in his hand. He chucked one away, knowing he wouldn't need it, and he then threw the ball expertly at the last cup tower standing, and Louis' clapped as it tumbled down to the bottom of the stand.

Harry then picked up one of the rings, and he rolled his eyes as he threw it, watching as it landed first time on the pillar at the top of the toy pile, and Louis' cheered happily, throwing his arms around Harry happily. The women behind the stall raised her eyebrows and clapped softly, before she pulled the toy plush seal down, and she handed it to Louis, before he thanked her and he pressed a firm kiss to his boyfriends cheek, and they started walking.

"Thank you." Lou mumbled, before he slid one of his hands back into his lovers, and he rested his head against his shoulder.

"I really like you, Louis." Harry spoke softly, as he pressed a kiss to his boyfriends head, and he stopped walking, right in front of the Ferris Wheel. "You bring out the best in me. You make me smile, and you make me feel at home. I've never felt so much love." He blurted out honestly. "All those months of trying to stalk you, I could've just tried to talk to you, and I feel terrible. I fell in love with you in the bar, Louis. I didn't think I would, but I did. The touch of your hand against my cheek, it knocked sense into me, yet it made me want you more."

Louis cheeks heated up, and he heard Niall mumble a soft 'aw' behind them, and he also noticed Harry raise his brows, which Louis assumed was to let the other two scurry off somewhere else.

"I like you Harry. A god awful lot, and I don't want anyone else." Louis spoke out softly as Harry slowly pulled Louis' onto the small Ferris Wheel, which only included the two, as it slowly started spinning around, at a very slow pace.

As the Ferris wheel slowly spun around, Louis rested his head against his boyfriends shoulder, and Harry wrapped his arm around his boyfriends waist, and the two sat in silence, other than Louis' soft humming. As the two reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, Harry pressed a kiss to the top of his boyfriends head, and he looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun was going down.

"You're more beautiful to me than any sunset." Harry whispered and he softly squeezed his boyfriends waist; and he then pressed a kiss to his nose. "In fact, you are my sunset."

"Does that make you my sunrise?" Louis asked softly, loving spending all of this time with Harry. "Because I would honestly love that."

Harry nodded his head softly and he let a wide smile take over his lips.

"I would love for you to be my sunrise." Harry mumbled softly.

"This is a pretty bad case of Stockholm Syndrome."


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