Chapter 36- Closer Than You Think

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"Give me love, like her." -Give Me Love, Ed Sheeran

Nathan’s P.O.V

“Nathan, you idiot!”

“Boy, I’ma rip all your balls out and feed them to the piranhas!”

“I’ma make sure you CANNOT have children when I’m done with you!”

One by one, Heather, Rachael, and Willow all took their turn to scream something in my face. And it as all because of me. It took me a while to finally realize it, but….this is all actually my fault. Everything.

“Nathan? NATHAN!” Kat shook my shoulders furiously and looked into my eyes, as if searching for something. She stopped and turned back to look at the rest of the girls. “His eyes show sadness. Worry. Guilt.” She reported.

Heather shook her head and walked towards me, anger in her hazel eyes. She bent down and looked me in the eyes. “Nathan, it took you a while to finally realize what you’ve done to our girl. It sure took you a long while. But you’re too late. Now she’s who knows where and we don’t even know where she is. AND IT’S YOUR FAULT!” she screamed the last part.

Tom quickly ran over beside her and held her arms. “Shh babe, it’s all gonna be alright.” He whispered in her ear and held her close. As soon as she was in his arms, she fell into his embrace.

Oh, how I wish I could hold Jordan like that right now…To just grab her and tell her that everything’s gonna be alright.

But I can’t. And that’s what’s hurting me right now.

Rachael entered the room again with her phone in her hands. She breathed out heavily and fell on the couch, next to Jay. “She won’t answer her phone.” Rachael sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Gosh, I spent the whole night with her drunk-self, absolutely regretting it. Now I just wanna see her and know that she’s alright.” The sadness in her voice was clear.

Jay immediately wrapped his arms around her and whispered something in her ear, just like Tom did with Heather.

I sat there silent.

Heather looked over at me and knitted her eyebrows. “So now what? You’re just gonna sit there and say absolutely nothing?!” she screamed. “All of this is your fault and you don’t even care! You don’t even care that-“

“I do.” I cut her off.

“What?” she asked.

I stood up and walked towards the door and put on my shoes. While I was tying the knots, I looked back towards Heather and sighed. “I do care. More than you think. Look, Heather, Willow, Rachael, Kat…guys…I’m sorry, okay? Just please…” I opened the front door and stared outside. “Let me fix this.” I said and walked out.

Jordan’s P.O.V

I needed a break. That’s all I wanted right now. I called up Justin and asked if he could just come and stay with me for a bit.

Lucky for me, he was already in the area. As soon as we hung up, he said that he was already in a car over here.

A friend. That’s all he is. And that’s all he ever will be. Why can’t Nathan understand that?

I sat inside the empty Dunkin’ Donuts shop and stared out the window. A bunch of cars drove by, and I sat here, wishing one of them had Justin inside.

At one point, I started to get a bit thirsty. I stood up and walked towards the register. No one else was hear, so there wasn’t any line to wait in.

As soon as I approached the female cashier, I saw her eyes got wide. I stood still and raised my eyebrows. Before I could say anything, I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. “AHHH, WHO ARE YOU?!” I shouted.

“Oh come on Dani, you need to learn to be less aggressive when you’re first meeting up with someone.” There he was, the biggest popstar in the world. And my best friend, Justin Bieber.

“Justin!” I exclaimed and ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I whispered.

We pulled apart and I stared back at him. He was smiling. That amazing smile he has. Gosh. Yes, he is my best friend and nothing more, but I can’t deny the fact that he is an attractive guy.

But nothing will ever happen!

Justin gestured towards the table by the window I was sitting at a little while ago. “Go sit, Jordan. I’ll order.”

I nodded my head and went to go sit down. I have my best friend here. Finally.

But I can’t help but wonder what Nathan would be doing right now. Does he even care about me right now? Did it even hit him what he did to me?

I shook my head and let it go. Whatever. If he didn’t care, then I wouldn’t either. Nope. Nothing. Nothing was coming out of me.

“Coffee Coolatta. Always been your favorite here.” Justin said as he sat down and passed me my drink.

I accepted it with a smile. “Thanks.”

Justin nodded his head and took a sip out of his drink before placing it on the table. “So what’s up, Jordan?”

I placed the drink on the table and shrugged. “Stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?”

I traced shapes onto the table and shrugged once again. “Guy troubles.”

Justin firmly placed his drink on the table now and I looked up at him to notice the slight worry in his eyes. “Did someone hurt you, Jordan?”

I remember when I first told Justin about Jason. He didn’t like him from the start. He knew there was something wrong, but I would never tell him because I didn’t want him to worry. When I finally explained what Jason used to do to me, after he got put in jail, Justin was furious. He told me that he would never let a guy ever hurt me like Jason did ever again.

“Not physically at least.” I replied to his last question.

Justin seemed to calm down a bit, but he still had that glimmer of worry in his eyes. “What happened?”

“Nathan cheated on me.” I simply stated.

Justin banged his fist on the table and sat back. “I never liked him.”

I laughed softly and took a sip of my coolatta. “You’ve never liked any of my boyfriends, Justin.”

“Well that’s because you’ve never chosen the right one.” He said and looked out the window. There was something going through his mind, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“Well I just wanna know when I’ll find the one. I guess he’s so far away. I just wish I could just find him already.” I said.

Justin stood up and grabbed his drink from the table. He sighed for like the hundredth time today and bent down towards me. “Maybe he’s closer than you think, Jordan.” 


Boring....ehhhh.....bad day for me...... :3



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