Chapter 14- I Will Be There For You, Always

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"When you need someone. When it’s all gone wrong. You’ll see that, I will be there for you always. When the lights go out, and the world breaks. And your heart aches. I will be there for you always." Always, JC Chasez  –AMAZING SONG, just saying. LISTEN TO IT NOW! ;D-

Jordan’s P.O.V

This was getting annoying. For the past 2 hours I could hear talking all around me, but yet I could not say anything or even open my eyes to see who was actually talking. 

Can I actually sleep? Or am I technically asleep right now?

This was confusing.

Eventually, I told myself to jus stop and rest. I didn’t hear anyone say anything in for like 30 minutes, so I assumed everyone just left.

Boy was I wrong.

Just as I was getting comfortable and clearing my head of all thoughts, I felt someone grab my hand.

Moments like this I wish I could open my eyes because who knows whose holding my hand right now? It could be someone planning to kidnap me for all I know!

Oh gosh Jordan, stop it. You’re in a hospital for crying out loud!

I stopped being so paranoid and just relaxed at the sound of the person’s voice.

“Babe, wake up please. Open your eyes for me, please Jordan.” The person begged.

By now I could tell it was a male’s voice.

His grip on my hand got tighter as he continued talking,

“Everyone decided to leave because they were getting tired. The nurses almost forced me to get out as well, but I just couldn’t leave until I knew you were okay and you opened your eyes. Oh and by the way, it’s Nathan.”

If I could, I would wake up and hug him right now. Nathan was just too sweet. 

“I’ll be here for you, always. I won’t leave your side.”

Nathan’s P.O.V

It was nearly midnight by now and Jordan still hasn’t woken up. I started getting worried; thinking that she probably won’t ever wake up.

“Oh come on Nathan, don’t think like that. She’ll be fine.” I said to myself and then sat on one of the chairs across from Jordan’s hospital bed.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I looked at the door, watching doctors and nurses walking all over the place, getting patients, carrying medicines, and all that other stuff.

I wasn’t really a fan of hospitals, but I just couldn’t just leave Jordan here on her own. Everyone else might have left, but I’m not going anywhere until I see her brown eyes.

A nurse soon came in with a clipboard and smiled at me before speaking up and knocking me out of my thoughts. “Umm, excuse me?” she asked.

My head shot up and I stared at her. “Yes?”

“Oh, are you her boyfriend?” the nursed smiled and pointed at Jordan. I looked down at the ground, trying to hide the smile forming on my face.

It disappeared as soon as my head shot back up and I answered her question. “Uhh no, just a friend.”

She just nodded her head slowly and walked towards Jordan. “Must be a very caring friend if you’re still here at nearly midnight by her side.”

“I couldn’t leave without knowing she is okay.”

“Cute.” The nurse said to herself and starting checking the machines that were hooked onto Jordan. “Well, it seems like she should be waking up very soon, but we’re not positive. The doctor sent me in here to tell you that if she doesn’t wake up soon then we’re going to have to just disconnect the machines.”

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