Fundy x SILBING! reader

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Chapter 54

"He's back..."

(this will be like a sibling relationship between Fundy and the reader.)

(thank you for the request Ayikai :) )


Fundy laid across the couch sleeping soundly as Y/n watched him, they smiled as they started to touch his soft orange hair. Y/n looked towards their father who sat there on the floor with his head in his hands, his crying can be heard. Y/n looked back at their brother only to look away once again, Y/n crawled towards their father with worry.


Y/n placed their hand on their father's hand causing him to look up, Y/n saw how puffy, red his eyes were. Wilbur wiped his tears away only to give a fake smile to his kid.

"What is Y/n-"

"When is mom coming back ?"

Y/n looked over to the large built-in tank in their home, that was the last place where they saw her. Wilbur sighed only to brush his hands against Y/n's scaly hand.

"We'll mom...went out on a long trip, she went with her friends..."

Y/n nodded only to crawl on the couch and lay down next to their brother...Wilbur watched them and he started to cry ..he and Sally never planned this..this was never the plan.


Y/n stood there with their brother by their side, their grandfather was in front of them. The silence filled the air and it was loud for Y/n, simply not liking the loud silence broke it...

"You wanted to see us, Phil?"

Phil nodded...

"Um, I was recently informed of some event that involving...Involving Will and Ghostbur."

Y/n tilted their head to the side and scoffed a bit...

"Well Wilbur is dead so why would he be involved?"

Phil sighed, his mouth felt a bit dry, he knew if he told Y/n this they would end up trying to kill him, deciding to ignore that.

"Um, what do you, you know anything..nothing I'm missing-"

Fundy shook his head and Y/n just looked at Phil with confusion.

"No..we don't know anything, Phil."

Phil sighed a bit and quietly said okay...

"Okay, I don't know.."

Phil placed his hands on his head and he groaned, he didn't know how to break it to them, it might take a while due to him never talking to his grandkids before.

"Oh...okay um.."

Phil turned around and clapped a bit so he could keep it together, Fundy and Y/n on the other hand looked over to see friend tied to a pole ..alone...Ghosbur was never insight which is weird because he is always with his sheep.

"Why is friend here as well. I don't know what-"


Y/n getting tired of waiting...

"Why are we here anyway Phil?"

Phil started to fidget around with the little charm hanging off his sword...

"So there's no easy way to say this like I can't, I can't like soften this...Fundy, Y/ Will is back...alive, fully alive and Ghostbur is gone"

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