scenarios : How they react to your death

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Chapter 16

(This will be how they react to your death)


Dream :

Dream stood there silently as he held his anger and sadness in as he watched George carry his lovers lifeless body . A tear slowly fell from his eye , George walked over to Dream ...


"He's going to pay for this...."

Dream glared on over at the crazed schlatt who was laughing ....


Dream stood over his lovers grave as he typed on his hologram keyboard,  he looked over at his lovers grave and frowned...

He turned his attention back to his hologram which showed the ...profile picture of his lover ...


Y/n  , Y/m/n  , Y/l/n

Age : 21

Deaths :

First death , their death occurred at the time Eret had blown up the control room.

Second death , their second death occurred when techno killed them during the festival (they had been killed with tubbo)

Last death , their last death happened once they were kidnapped by schlatt....

Dream looked at his lovers grave as he closed his hologram....

"I'm sorry....I..."

He fell to his knees and he started to cry ...


George :

George stood there in shock as he seen his lover fall to their knees , Tommy smirked as he slowly lowered his arrows down ...

"I'm sorry for you little lost George...but hey...."

George's eyes started to water as he seen Y/n's body slowly disappearing...

"They'll come a year ...or more...."

Tommy smirked and walked away....

George fell on his knees....

"All because...of a duel...."

George gripped onto his pants as a tear fell...

"I know you have two lives left....but I'll get my revenge..."


Fundy :

Fundy stood there as Dream gave him something that belonged to his lover ...

"Well you still have me...."

Dream smirked under his mask as he had handed Fundy his lovers glasses , Dream had taken Y/n's last life ....

Soon enough Dream left ....Fundy on the other hand stood there in shock as tears started to run down his face ....

"N-not again..."

Fundy's dead father was watching his son cry , Wilbur looked over to his side to see his sons lover ...


"I know you have a lot of questions...but that man right there is my son...and your husband..."

They soon both hear the scream come out from his mouth ....and it was a pained scream...


Tommy (sibling) :

Tommy stood there as tears slowly rolled down his face as he watched his siblings throat being slit opened . Tommy tried running to them but someone held him back .

Techno and Wilbur had came in last minute to see this all happening,  the twins froze in place as they seen their brother screaming and crying but their other sibling dead ...

"Y/N ! "

The two people who were in all black soon disappeared into thin air, Tommy ran over to his dead sibling and picked them up ...

"WAKE UP ! "

Tears fell from his face as he seen the life being drained from their body , he held their body close but his older siblings had to rip him away from the body ...


Wilbur :

Wilbur stood there with a shocked face as he watched his lover fall to the floor with blood running down their face , Schlatts laughter can be heard through the speakers ...

Schlatt soon turned towards Tubbo who was holding Wiburs dead lover in his arms ....


Ghostbur sat there staring at ...their grave , but as he tried to remember...

"I'm sorry....but ....who are you...?"

Ghostbur turned around to see ...a familiar ghost , he smiled ...

"I'm wilbur ....or Ghostbur ..."

"I'm y/n ..."



Bad sat there cradling his lover in his arms , he cries quietly as he looked at their eyes .

"Please...don't go..."

He tried to speak but all he could repeat was don't leave me , Y/n looked up at Bad and smiled sadly only to weakly place their hand on Bad's tear stained face .

"Its okay you muffin..."

The life in their eyes left and Bad broke down even more but as he held them in his arms Y/n slowly disappeared only to appear in the underworld...

Bad continued to cry because he knew it was going to take almost a year or more for them to come back , Bad also knew that his lover was now on their last life ...


Sapnap :

Sapnap watched in horror as he seen Y/n fall to their knees as blood poured down their face , Sapnap quickly got up only to run to them . Y/n was grabbed by Sapnap, they sat there together..just to enjoy their last moments together...

"I'm sorry...I don't wanna lose you...please..."

Sapnap chocked on his words as he tried to speak but he couldn't,  Y/n smiled lightly and placed their hand on his cheek ...

"I love you Sap ..."

Sapnap pulled them into their last hug but once Y/n went limp in his arms he screamed ...

His two friends watched this happen and Dream on the other hand was looking at his hologram only to see Y/n's last life change into a zero...

Sapnap let out chocked words as he repeated the words "I LOVE YOU !" , "COME BACK !'....


That's it for this chapter and cya in the next .

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