Chapter 1

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She was standing on the balcony of her hotel room, smoking a cigarette. She was tired, as it was the night after the first big show of their World Tour but she simply couldn't go to bed without having her nightly smoke. It had become a habit of hers over the past few years. Slight shivers ran down her spine as the cool wind was putting her hair into was pretty cold for mid May. She felt exhausted, so she put her cigarette out, ready to return to her room in order to go to bed. Just as she was about to enter though, a noise distracted her. Somebody came running out of the room next door, onto the balcony. She froze in her steps, listening to the person sobbing quietly. Who could that be? She knew that Damiano was the one staying in the room next to hers but it certainly couldn't be him, could it? No, Damiano was always happy and uplifting...he rarely ever showed deep emotions like sadness, let alone tears. But then again, who else could it be? His girlfriend wasn't there and Thomas and Ethan had rooms of their own, so it kinda had to be him. But what reason could he have for crying? Everything had gone well during the concert and it already looked like their tour was going to be a huge success, so there really was no reason to be upset. Should she just go and ask him?, it was probably nothing. Maybe she was just imagining things. Yeah, that had to be it. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts and disappeared into her room.

The next morning, she was tired. She hadn't slept very well because her thoughts had kept on wandering back to what she had witnessed. "Hey, guys..." She greeted the rest of the band as she walked into the hotel restaurant to have her breakfast. "Woah, look horrible, are you alright?", Ethan asked, a look of concern on his face. He was kind of the "mom" of the group. "Yeah...I guess I was just so full of adrenaline, I couldn't sleep very well.", She lied. She didn't want to say that she thought she had heard Damiano crying because no matter if it was true or not it would be embarrassing for either one of them. "So...we are going to Germany in a few are we feeling about that?", Damiano asked cheerful and positive as always. "I can't believe that we finally have our own tour... that's such a big deal.", Thomas immediately started babbling about that, excited like every 20 year old would be. Victoria kept quiet though, sipping on her hot chocolate, lost in her thoughts. She couldn't help but notice that Damiano's eyes were in fact a bit red...but that could mean anything, right? It didn't necessarily indicate that he had actually been crying. Maybe he had smoked, what was she thinking? Why on earth would him smoking weed be in any way better than him crying? Maybe she was just worrying too much... everyone could have a bad day every once in a while. She did too, so what was the big deal? It was probably just so alarming because she had never, in her entire life, seen him cry.

"Hey...hey, Vic...are you listening?", She was snapped out of her trance like state by Ethan's voice, blushing in embarrassment as she noticed all three of the guys staring at her. "Oh, sorry...I...uhm...I'm just tired. What were you saying?" Damiano playfully rolled his eyes:"We have to get going or else we're going to miss our plane, Vic..." He was playful and sassy as always, so he was alright... right? "Oh...oh yeah, of course... let's go.", She agreed with a smile and got up, grabbing her suitcase which she had already brought down to the restaurant earlier. Damiano looked at her, jokingly nudging her in the side:" Women... always gotta wait for them...even though some of them claim to be one of the boys." Nope, he definitely was the same as need to worry whatsoever. He knew exactly that she hated being portrayed as one of those 'I'm one of the boys' kinda girls and he never missed an opportunity to tease her with it. Giggling a bit, she pushed her worries from the night before aside, joking around with him:"Oh yeah...I guess you're one of the girls then? Because you always take way longer than I do." He opened the door of the Taxi for her, grinning:"Really? I refuse to believe such awful accusations." Shaking her head, she sat down next to Thomas, putting on some music in her headphones as she watched the city behind them getting smaller and smaller.


Hey ;)

So, this is the first chapter :) I will try to update every two days and I really hope you like my story. Of course it will get better over time but we have to keep it interesting so I can't just jump into it without a few "boring" first chapters.
I hope you like it anyways ;)

- Thalia ✨

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