Chapter 28

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"I told you to be here at's 11.05.", a stern voice said inside the room. She couldn't hear his was probably too quiet. Victoria gasped a little as a sound inside the room scared her. It a slap. Had that person just slapped him? Or had he slapped that person? She stood closer to the door, so she could listen. "Take your hoodie off...I want to see your pathetic body.", it was a woman's voice...either that or the voice of a young guy. She really couldn't tell from outside. "Look at haven't done it today, have you? No? Well, go ahead then...someone like you doesn't deserve to take a don't deserve to heal. And you know why? Because you are worth nothing." What the fuck was she hearing right now? Who was that? Why would that person talk him down like that? Why would they encourage him to hurt himself? That was absolutely disgusting. She kneeled down, trying to look through the lock but the key was inside, so she couldn't see anything. "Yeah, that's it...make them deep, Damiano, so you won't forget just how worthless you are.", the person sounded like they were laughing. She wanted to do something to help him but the door was locked, so she could only wait until he would come outside again.

"Take it off...", it was frustrating to not be able to see what was going on. "Absolutely pathetic...look how ugly you are...absolutely disgusting. But don't did good a good you are allowed to please me now." What did that mean? Was it...sexual? No, that couldn't be, right? He would never cheat on his girlfriend...or would he? Maybe he was being blackmailed. Thoughts flooded her head but she couldn't think straight. The other person moaning, confirmed her suspicion...he was actually cheating on his girlfriend with someone who treated him like that. That was so stupid...why would he do that? It just didn't make sense to her. She wanted to leave...that was just disgusting...she didn't want to listen to someone moaning while being pleased by her best friend. She wanted to leave but heard another slapping sound...and another one...and another one. Several others followed. She couldn't leave...what if he got hurt in there? But then again, maybe this whole depression and self harm thing was just an act for their sexual desire. Plus, she didn't want to be friends with a cheater. But once again, something stopped her from leaving. Her gut feeling told her to stay...that she would regret it forever if she didn't.

A few more minutes passed until she heard the person have their orgasm. She thought that was the end of it but she was definitely wrong. More slapping sounds. "That was pathetic. Just like you are, Damiano. Why don't you just take that razor blade tonight and bring it to an end? The world doesn't need a fuck up like you." Once again, she didn't hear his response, if there even was one, but she just couldn't imagine that all of that was just part of a sick sexual fantasy. I mean, who would be turned on by that? Suddenly she heard a was Damiano...definitely. Shivers ran down her spine and she got chills all over her body. The screams continued...they sounded like he was going through something terrible...pure agony and pain. It was so bad, she even had tears in her eyes. No, she needed to do something. But what? She looked around, for something she could pick the lock with. The other person probably wouldn't hear it because Damiano's screams were so loud...but what if it was dangerous? From all she knew, the person could be armed and ready to shoot or stab or whatever. Maybe she should call the police. They could help her, right? But what if it was just a sexual play after all. Another painful scream pierced through the night, followed by another...and more after that. No, she needed to get in there right now. She tried to pick the lock but that was unsuccessful. There was only one way now...kicking in the door. She didn't think she was strong enough to do that but her veins were filled with adrenaline. She stepped back, started running and slammed her body against the door, making it open immediately. And what she saw inside was worse than anything she could've ever imagined.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, it's getting interesting :) I'll post the next chapter after school.

What do you think is going on inside? Who is the person he's with? And is Damiano alright? Let me know what you think in the comments :) I'll definitely respond to your theories

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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