Chapter 50

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After that, his crying got immediately heavier. "Thank you...thank you so much, Vic. All I ever wanted was someone to understand me. And you do. What you just gave me hope. Hope that someday, I might be able to experience what it is like to really lose my virginity...even if just thinking about it scares me to death." She blushed a bit but got sad at the same time. He was such a wonderful person...he didn't deserve so much pain in his life. "I'm sure you will be able to have that experience some day. And then, it's gonna be beautiful and gentle and exactly how you want it to be. You just need to find the right person.", she assured him, though it was hard to ignore the fact that she kinda wanted to be that person. After that, there was silence but it wasn't awkward. She was gently caressing his cheeks, feeling the countless hot tears on her fingers while he was holding onto her waist, occasionally clutching his fist around her shirt when he was shaken by harder sobs. "Angel? Can I...can I kiss you?", she thought she sounded so stupid but it had calmed him down pretty well last time and the more she had thought about it, the more she had come to the conclusion that asking for consent was extra important for him to show him that she wouldn't overstep any boundaries. He seemed to hesitate for a moment but then he responded in a very quiet and quivery whisper: "Y-yeah..." Very slowly, she touched his lips with hers. He tightened his grip on her waist, so she began to move her lips against his in a very slow and steady pace, giving him time to get used to it. He adjusted fairly quickly and even though he was very reluctant in his movements, he seemed to enjoy it.

His tears were covering her lips...she could clearly taste them but it wasn't disgusting to her. If anything, it showed her that she was allowed to see him in his most vulnerable state and that she had the permission to touch him like no one else. Just like last time, she tried to give him as much control over the situation as possible. Eventually, he pulled away, hiding his face in her shoulder: "I'm sorry..." She smiled, gently digging her hand into his hair, playing with it: "No need to apologize, Angel. You're doing really really well and you are allowed to decide when to stop without having to apologize. I won't get mad at you for that." He sobbed quietly: "It hurts so much..." That really worried her. Had she done something wrong? Immediately, she questioned him further: "What hurts, Angel? And what can I do to make it better?" His body started trembling more than before: "It hurts to know how fucking much I love you...because I know I won't ever be able to make you happy. Being with me only makes everything can't possibly want that, Vic..." She had to close her eyes for a second to keep the tears from coming out, though that was no use at all. Her heart felt like it was beating double the speed than normally...had he really just said he loved her? Did that mean he wanted to date her? No, that couldn't be...or could it?

She opened her eyes again, now accepting that those tears just needed to come out: "Are you serious, Angel? I don't care how complicated things are. Your past is part of you, your scars are part of you and every other aspect of your trauma is part of you as well...and I love all of it because I love you...more than I can tell you, Angel. You make me happy by just being alive...I want to help you overcome your trauma or at least learn to deal with it but that doesn't mean I am not able to enjoy being with you now. I love cuddling you at night, I love holding you and being there for you when you're crying. I love taking care of your wounds and calming you down when you're anxious or panicky. And I love talking to you, even if the topics aren't always easy. I know it sounds weird and maybe I am out of my mind but I love all of that because it is with you. To me you are perfect and I am so fucking thankful for the night I first found out that you're hurting yourself because that's when all of this started. And if I could go back and re-live it, I would, without changing a single thing." By now, her cheeks were completely wet, just like her shoulder but she didn't care...this was the most honest speech she had ever given to anyone. He pulled her closer, if that was even possible: "Hold me, Vic...please hold me and never let go." Those simple words sounded so insignificant but the meaning behind them was stronger than anyone could have ever suspected. Even though it was symbolic, she held him closer, placing a kiss on his fluffy hair: "I won't let go. I'll hold you forever, I promise." From that moment on their relationship changed from being friends to being a couple, even though they hadn't spoken about it in the traditional way. It wasn't needed. They both knew what it meant and it was perfect just like that.

The next day, she felt like she was up in the clouds. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that they were dating now, even though basically nothing would change. They were sitting in the concert hall, waiting for it to start. He seemed anxious but it wasn't as bad as it had been the past few times. "You got this, Angel...and if anything happens, I'll be right next to you.", she assured him before they entered the stage.

Everything seemed to go quite well. He seemed to be doing okay and she just kept a close watch on him the whole time. Halfway through the concert, something happened though...something that would change their lives forever. They were playing Vent'anni when he suddenly froze completely. Of course, they immediately stopped playing and she rushed to his side, thinking it was a panic attack or something. "Hey...hey, what's going on?", she whispered, so nobody else could hear it. He didn't respond and once she followed his eyes, she understood why: Carla was standing right there, on the side of the stage, an evil grin on her plumb lips. She looked different: Her hair was shorter and it was dyed red. She freely walked onto the stage and instinctively, Vic got in front of Damiano, glaring at her: "Whatever it is that you want, piss off. We don't want you here." Carla grinned, her bright white teeth looking dangerous, almost like fangs: "I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you." She started walking around her and Damiano, touching him on his shoulders and back, making him wince and cling onto Victoria. "Don't touch me...please don't touch me...", he begged, quietly, though there was no use in trying to keep the conversation quiet. They were standing in front of 50.000 people...someone would always hear something. "Don't be so sensitive, pussy.", she growled back at him before harshly pulling his jacket down, revealing his scars. It happened so fast, Victoria couldn't even try to react. A gasp went through the crowd and some people immediately started chattering or even throwing mean comments towards them like "Fuck, he's ugly now.", or "Damn, I thought he was a real man.". Damiano got extremely pale, trying to grab his jacket again but Carla just threw it into the crowd. Victoria hadn't even realized that Ethan and Thomas had rushed to their side, now wrapping another jacket around his shoulders to help him cover up. By now, Victoria was raging: "Are you fucking mental? I'm gonna end you and this time I fucking mean it." She was about to jump at her but Ethan held her back. Carla laughed: "Oh yeah? You are pathetic. First you fall for his act of the poor guy who's hurting himself when in reality he's just an attention whore and now you are even supporting his lies.", then she turned to the audience: "You heard right, boys and girls. Your oh so perfect singer, isn't only a sissy and an attention whore, who ridicules mental disorders by cutting himself to get, he's a liar who's trying to ruin my image by saying I raped him because he sucks in bed and can't handle sex with a woman like me. I mean, we all know that men can't be raped, and yet here he is, making up lies and lies, while in reality I am the victim here. But hey, I guess men just can't accept that woman have more power than they think." And after that, hell broke loose.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, this is the last chapter for this book. But don't worry, I'll start the new book tomorrow and I will post the info about it here, so you know when and where you can find it :)

So, let me know what you think about this chapter? Did you expect this to happen? Let me know in the comments :)

Thanks for reading and thank you so much for 20k reads :)

- Thalia

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