Chapter 2

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(For anyone who was wondering, Damiano has short hair - like it is now- in my story. They all look exactly like how they actually look right now...✨)

It wasn't a long flight but it was long enough to give Victoria the opportunity to get lost in her thoughts again. They usually didn't talk much during flights, so she just looked out the window, watching the endless fields and houses passing by underneath them. Everything seemed perfectly normal but there was this lingering feeling that something was off. She glanced over to Damiano. He had his eyes closed and was probably listening to music as well. He looked calm and absolutely normal but his aura was tense. Some people would probably call her crazy for believing in spiritual things like that but her intuition told her that she could trust her senses. And they clearly signaled to her that he seemed way more stressed and tense than usual...but maybe that was just because of the tour. Maybe it didn't have anything to do with what she had heard the night before. But what if it did? They were best friends, right? So, she should at least ask him if he was alright. But then again, what if it was nothing and she would just cause drama by asking him about it? It was a difficult situation...she really cared deeply about him but she didn't want an awkward situation arise just because she thought he had a tense aura. They would declare her mad if she did that. She sighed, shaking her head...there was no use in thinking about that now. She would just wait and see...she would look for signs and if there were any, she would dig deeper.

That evening they didn't have a show, so they just went out for some dinner in the city. It was a nice small restaurant with a cozy atmosphere and very little people... perfect for them. They weren't used to much glamour anyway because even though they were getting really big now, they always tried to stay humble and remember their roots. "How about we hang out at my room tonight? You know, just to have some fun before the tour reaystarts kicking off.", Thomas suggested and all of them agreed. Maybe it was a good idea to relax a little together. It was the perfect opportunity to celebrate their newly found success. The rest of the dinner was more or less boring. They were just talking a bit, enjoying their meal.

Once they were getting ready to leave, Damiano excused himself to the bathroom which the others just commented with a chuckle. He always disappeared to the restroom after their meals, so it was kind of a running gag between the four of them. It had always been that was just a weird habit of him but that wasn't a problem. All of them had one or two strange habits like that: Ethan never went to bed without putting on fresh socks, Thomas never went on stage without doing a handstand first and of course, Victoria had to smoke her nightly cigarette before going to sleep. And so it happened that they just waited for him until he returned before they started walking back to their hotel. They hadn't taken a taxi because the restaurant wasn't far away.

Victoria had her arm linked with Daniano's...just like always. " is your proof that you take way longer than me...", she teased him, referring to their playful bickering from the morning. He looked down at her, a charming playful smirk on his lips:" Hey, I am not the one lost in my own've been absent minded all day long. What are you thinking about? Your boyfriend, maybe?" His eyebrow was raised slightly...that was a small detail she really liked about him: his facial expressions were priceless. "You are awful, Damiano...", she giggled, lightly pushing him to the side, making him stumble a little. "No, you two are awful...will you ever stop bickering?", Ethan asked, pretending to be annoyed. "Did I really raise you to be like that?" That finally made everyone laugh...and everything was absolutely perfect - at least for now.


Hey :)

I had some extra time, so I wrote a quick little chapter. I know it's not that interesting yet but you gotta start slowly to build up the tension. And I promise if you stick around it will be worth it ;)

I appreciate every single read and I would love to hear your opinions in the comments :)

Thanks for reading 💕

- Thalia ✨

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