Chapter 6

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She froze in her steps, listening to Damiano's soft sobs. If she just went back inside now and pretended that nothing had happened, they could just go on like always...nothing would change. But she couldn't...and she knew that. If she did that, her conscience would torture her and she would probably regret it. But for some reason she just couldn't get her feet to move. If she did those final steps towards him, everything would change...maybe she was crazy but she could feel that nothing would ever be the same again if she went through with this. The cold, mid may wind was messing with her hair which she had thrown into a braid before going to bed about an hour before. Why the fuck was he even crying on the balcony? Couldn't he just have stayed inside so she would've never heard him? She hated how selfish she sounded but if there was one thing she absolutely hated, it was change. Maybe, if she stayed still for just a few more seconds, he would go back inside and she could just tell herself that she hadn't been fast enough to get closer. She held back a groan of frustration...that was stupid. Why was she like that? Why was it so hard for her to just go to him and comfort him? She bit her lip and closed her eyes for a second, just listening in hopes that he would stop crying but he didn't...she could clearly hear his quiet sniffles and the obviously held back sobs. No, there was no denying anymore...she needed to do something. But what if she just went to tell Ethan...he was the motherly one, right?, that wasn't an option...that would bring unwanted attention to him because from everything she knew about him, she couldn't imagine that he wanted anyone to know about that. Maybe that was her perfect excuse though...if he had wanted her to help, he would've come to her already, wouldn't he? Yeah...yeah...that was it. She should go back to sleep and just trust him to ask her for help if he needed it. For a split second she was about to turn around but then the thoughts already started flooding her head again. She wouldn't tell anyone about her problems even if she needed help, so maybe he wouldn't either. And what if he didn't even know he needed help? But maybe he really didn't need it...maybe he was coping just fine with whatever he was going through. Yeah, he was crying at night but who didn't do that sometimes? During the day he seemed absolutely normal so maybe she really was overthinking. But all of those signs couldn't be a coincidence. If he was okay he wouldn't be crying in the middle of the night...if he was okay, he wouldn't have reacted so strangely while playing truth or dare. Maybe she should call his mother? Maybe she knew what was going on. She shook her head in frustration. Was she really that desperate to avoid this conversation? If she called his mother she would worry her and cause problems. What if she talked to him and then couldn't help him? That would be awkward for both of them. On the other hand, maybe he didn't need help...perhaps he just needed someone to comfort him and everything would be fine again. But who was she to decide that it was her who should do that? She wasn't his damn mother...he was a grown ass man, why would she have to comfort him? God, no...that sounded heartless. He was like her brother...she loved him and cared about him, of course she should be the one comforting him if he really needed someone. "Come on, Victoria...pull yourself together.", she thought to herself, not even noticing that she was shivering from the cold. No...there was no way of denying the undeniable. It was time to wake up and throw those stupid childlike beliefs away. Fact was: Damiano wasn't okay. It wasn't nothing and he probably needed help or at the very least someone to comfort him. Somebody clearly needed to take care of him right now and the truth was: It definitely had to be her.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

It's a bit short but I hope you like it anyway :) Honestly, all your comments are so uplifting and nice...they really motivate me to continue, so thank you:)

What are your predictions for the next chapter? I'd love to hear what you think will happen :)

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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