Chapter 34

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You're all I have now, Vic. His words echoed in her head even the following day. "Hey...", he whispered when he realized she was awake. "Hey, Angel. How are you feeling?", she felt like that was a stupid question but she just figured that talking was a huge part of healing, so she would at least try to have conversations with him. "I don't know...I'm hurts and I'm scared.", he stared at his hands while speaking, avoiding looking into her eyes. She sat up, hugging him from the back, her head resting on his shoulder: "Do you think it would be better to end the tour?", she asked, calmly caressing his shoulder. He shook his head adamantly: "No. We can't do that. Our fans are counting on us." She already knew she wouldn't be able to change his mind but his condition definitely worried her: "We still have about 4 weeks left, Damiano. You are strong, I know that...but having to hide everything in front of so many people everyday is not healthy. Having privacy and alone time would make everything a bit easier." He shook his head once again: "No, Vic. Our fans need us. They would get suspicious if we ended the tour early."

Another night, another country. Two weeks had passed. She was smoking a cigarette but she was worried. He wasn't doing okay...not at all and being on tour wasn't ideal. She wished they could go back to the villa she had inherited...just stay there and live in privacy for a few months until he was at least doing a little better. But he was right, that would make the fans suspicious. Of course, she was doing her best to keep him from hurting himself but she didn't always manage to do that. She checked him for wounds every night...when he had new ones she comforted him and took care of them. They talked every night in the least a little bit. He told her how he was feeling but he never spoke about any specific must have been too painful. Sometimes he cried...sometimes she did too...sometimes they just cried together. It really depended on the day and situation. It wasn't easy for her either, seeing how hurt and broken down her best friend was. By now, whenever she was comforting him she called him Angel. She didn't know why but it seemed to make both of them feel a little better. There were still two weeks left and she feared that he would break under the pressure eventually. What would she do if that happened? She didn't know. Then again, maybe it wouldn't happen. She just needed to keep him safe and look out for him. He needed someone to be there for him. At least he had opened up a bit, finally trusting her. At least a lot more than two weeks ago. She sighed...if she could at least talk to Ethan...maybe he would know what to do. She shook her head. He probably didn't have more experience with that than she did. And all in all, she had gotten pretty good at comforting him and taking care of his wounds. Still, sometimes she felt extremely lost and didn't know what to do. Especially when he was crying...of course, she comforted him but just knowing that she couldn't take any of his pain away was almost unbearable. Was it normal for a friend to care so much about the other one? Yeah, probably...especially after what she had seen back in that hotel. After that tour they would have to take some time off just to focus on him and how to make him feel better again. She knew it wouldn't be easy...healing from something like that would probably take years or even all his life but she was convinced that somehow, she would be able to help him overcome the worst. Maybe she was too positive, maybe not, who knew? She knew one thing for sure though: It would be for the best if she never saw Carla again. What she had done had started a flame of anger in her she never thought she could develop. And she was almost certain that if she ever saw her again, she would personally kill her.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

Next chapter will come tomorrow morning :)

I hope you like it and I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you think Victoria is doing a good job? Do you think she should do something differently? Let me know :)

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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