Chapter 3

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Victoria leaned back in the huge chair she was sitting in, exhaling some smoke as she was watching the guys dancing to some random songs. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and she had managed to pushed her worries aside for now...Damiano seemed as happy as ever so she had probably just overreacted always. "Let's play truth or dare.", Thomas suggested excitedly. "What are we, 14?", Damiano teased but still joined them in the circle they were now sitting in. Victoria grabbed an empty bottle, spinning it around. It landed on Thomas who immediately picked dare which wasn't surprising as he was always up for everything, no matter how stupid it was. "Well...let's about you knock on some random person's door and then just run away?" Of course he was okay with that, so all of them followed him outside. "Let's do it on a different floor though, so we won't get caught.", Ethan suggested. After all, he was the careful and protective one, so they agreed. They all hid behind a corner, watching Thomas as he knocked on the door, before running away, looking like an idiot because he was already a bit tipsy. They followed after him, laughing their asses off.

"That was hilarious...", Damiano chuckled as he took another gulp of his Whiskey. Victoria herself didn't like alcohol, so she and Ethan were usually the more sober ones. "Ethan, truth or dare?" "Truth..." "Aw man, you're boring. Okay, fine...if you actually had to adopt one out of the three of us, who would it be and why?" She didn't hear his answer as she didn't really pay close attention to what they were saying. She was lost in her thoughts again, eyeing Damiano from the side to see how he was doing. Maybe she was losing her mind. He seemed perfectly fine, so why on earth did she make such a big deal out of something that probably wasn't even true. "Hey...hey, are you spaced out again?" She shook her head, looking at Damiano. "Oh...uh...sorry...what?", she stuttered a bit embarrassed. "Truth or Dare, silly...", Damiano grabbed his bottle again, drinking while waiting for her to answer. She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks...why was she so spaced out? "Uhm...dare...I don't care...", she shrugged. "Okay...I dare you to...", he tried to make it suspenseful. "Just tell us the damn dare already...", she rolled her eyes, still embarrassed. "Okay, okay...chill out, woman.", he grinned. "I dare you to...drink a sip of vodka out of Thomas' mouth" She scrunched her nose:" That's sick fuck." She scoffed but not in a mean way. "Okay...let's get it over with." Damiano grabbed the bottle of Vodka, pouring it into the youngest' mouth. She took a deep breath and leaned over the younger guy, taking a sip of Vodka out of his mouth and swallowing it. The burning sensation in her throat almost made her gag and the mixture of the liquid and Thomas' saliva was absolutely disgusting. She quickly grabbed a sip of water to calm her stinging throat down before spinning the bottle which landed on Ethan. "Dare." He chose before she was able to even ask him. "Okay, lover boy...make out with Thomas for 30 seconds...tongue and all." Thomas crossed his arms, pouting:" Why the fuck does it always have to do something with me? Why can't he make out with Damiano?" She leaned back, enjoying the power she was holding right now:" Because then it would seem like I want revenge...loosen up...that's good for you." She was clearly just teasing the youngest and so she got to enjoy the awkward but quite intense make out session of her bandmates. Ethan was sitting on Thomas' lap...he seemed quite confident, kissing him passionately with lots of tongue action while Thomas was quite stiff and awkward. It was quite the show to be honest.

After Ethan had taken some time to catch his breath, he spun the bottle while Victoria teasingly nudged Thomas in the arm:" You definitely gotta work on your kissing technique." He rolled his eyes:" Piss off." The bottle landed on Damiano. "Truth or dare?" Of course, he picked dare...gosh, he was so cocky. "'re up for a little adventure? Let's make it spicy...", Ethan was speaking with a low and suspenseful voice. "Strip your clothes off...down to your underwear." Victoria and Thomas broke out giggling making "Uuuuuuhhhh" noises to tease him but she quickly stopped when she noticed that he had gotten a bit pale. "Hey...hey, is everything okay?", she asked quietly but the others were just joking around:" Not so confident anymore, huh buddy? I always knew I had a better body but hey, no need to be embarrassed." Of course, Ethan was just joking but Damiano wasn't laughing and that really alarmed Victoria. He didn't look at the others when he got up:" Sorry guys...I'm a bit tired...we have a big schedule tomorrow...we should probably go to sleep.", he simply said before leaving the room. Victoria remained with the others who had gotten quiet real quick. "Well...that was weird.", Thomas commented, both Ethan and Victoria nodding in agreement. That was definitely a warning sign...something was off and she was absolutely sure about that now.


Hey ;)

I hope y'all like my new chapter. Signs are starting to show so make sure to continue reading because we will get into some Drama soon ;)

As always, please leave your opinions in the comments so I can know whether you like it or not.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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