Chapter 41

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"No...No, Damiano, that's enough. We're not doing that concert tonight.", he was in such a dark place, being on stage was probably the last thing he could handle. He stared at her, tears in his eyes: "They're gonna hate me...we have to do it." She didn't answer and stormed outside. "Fuck you...I am not going on stage tonight. Tell them I'm fucking sick or something!", she yelled at their manager who was discussing the situation with Thomas and Ethan. "But you're clearly not sick.", he replied in a stern tone of voice, grabbing her by the arm. "Yes I am. I am sick of this fucking bullshit.", and with that she pushed him away and left. On her way out, she grabbed Damiano's hand and pulled him with her.

She didn't know where she was going...just away. Now, tears were streaming down her own face...all of that was so frustrating. Why couldn't anyone see how much he was suffering? "Vic...Vic, stop...", she heard Damiano's voice but didn't react. She didn't want him to see her tears...that would only bother him more. She didn't even realize that she was still holding his hand in hers...and that he was holding onto hers as well. "Stop...Vic, stop. We're already far enough...", he stopped walking, making her stop as well, though she didn't turn to face him. Only now she realized that they were in the middle of the woods. How had they gotten from the concert hall to there? She had been so lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even walked the way consciously. She took some deep breaths, trying to control her tears. She didn't know why she had gotten so emotional but something about seeing him hurt and nobody seeing it made her extremely angry...and sad. Just seconds later she was able to inhale his typical scent again as he wrapped his strong arms around her in a very gentle way. She held onto him instinctively and she had never felt that protected in her life. "I got you, Vic...I got you...", he whispered, his voice now calm and soothing. "You know, I should be the one saying that to you...", she responded, now hiding her face in the fabric of his shirt. She felt his hand in her hair, making comfortable shivers run down her spine. "You always do so much for me...this is my chance to make it up to you." She wanted to protest but she didn't. She didn't want him to have to make anything up to her but she needed that comfort right now. "Let's sit down for a while, okay? We can go back a little later.", he suggested and so they did. They were sitting by the shore of a small lake, her head now resting on his shoulder: "I'm sorry, Damiano...I know you didn't want to cancel the concert but...I...well...I just freaked out, I guess." He caressed her shoulder a bit and nodded: "Believe me...I know how that feels. I'm not mad about it. I actually feel a lot better now." After hearing that she got lost in her thoughts again. Should she take the chance and ask him about the stuff that had happened to him? No, that would probably only bring him down. But if not now, when?

"Damiano?", she asked reluctantly. "Hm?", came as his response. "Wanna go for a swim with me?", she couldn't ask him about the stuff he had been through...she didn't have the guts. And she didn't feel like it was the right moment either. Plus, it was still pretty hot so her question made sense...the sun was just about to settle. He looked at her a bit surprised but nodded: "Uhm...yeah...yeah, sure." She smiled and got up, throwing her clothes onto the ground, only keeping her underwear on. He seemed reluctant to do the same. "What's wrong, Angel? And don't say nothing because I know that there is something.", she questioned in a calm tone. He sighed but at least he looked at her because usually he didn't dare to face her when he was embarrassed: "My scars...I mean...I know you've seen them but...they're ugly...and...", he looked a bit frustrated but finally finished his sentence: "Damn it, I don't want you to be disgusted by me." She wasn't sure but she thought she could see a light blush on his cheeks. She stepped closer, their bodies now almost touching. "They're a part of you, Angel...and that makes them beautiful.", she then thought that was a stupid thing to say on its own, so she added: "That doesn't mean self harm is a good thing...what I'm trying to say is: Don't be ashamed of them. Show them proudly because they proof that you are extremely strong. Because you chose life over death.", while speaking she removed his jacket, already revealing most of the scars, before she carefully pulled the white shirt over his head as well.

Once they were in the water, they fooled around a bit but soon enough they went back to being serious. She stood close to him, their bodies embraced by the clear and warm was just them. For once they weren't Damiano and Vic...they were just two human beings who were extremely close to each other. Her hand travelled down to his arm, caressing the uneven scars. She could feel him shivering. "Does it hurt, Angel?", she asked to make sure. He shook his head: " feels nice, actually." He sounded so embarrassed but it was super cute. Cute? Gosh, why did she think that? She focused on him again, tracing every single scar with her fingers as if they were the most precious thing she had ever touched. "They aren't ugly, Damiano...they define you.", she whispered and without thinking, brought his wrist up to her lips, kissing it. She felt him tense up a bit which caused her to pull away but he stopped her, now a very clear blush on his cheeks: "Don't...please don't stop. I know it's super weird feels good. Extremely good." That made her blush as well. Should she continue? Wasn't it a weird thing to do to your friend? It definitely was...but he liked it. If it made him feel good, it was okay, right? Then again, she would've been lying if she had said that she didn't like it...because she definitely did. Even though she would've never admitted that. She stepped closer to him, instinctively placing one hand on his hips. Again he tensed up but relaxed a few seconds later. He seemed to be extremely sensitive to being touched but that was okay...she understood that. With the other hand, she grabbed his wrist again, now leaving a trail of very light kisses on his wrist and arm. He moaned quietly, though it wasn't sexual. Of course, she couldn't know for sure but they were so close to each other, she would've been able to feel if he had been hard, so at least that wasn't the case. No, it seemed to be a moan of was hard to describe...he seemed completely relaxed now and she took the moan as a signal that this was something he had absolutely needed: Love and affection...both in a physical and an emotional way. Those were things he had probably never received from his girlfriend. And the worst thing was: She couldn't deny that she liked every single second and every little detail about what was happening at the moment.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, I did my best to write a chapter so I won't leave you waiting for too long :)

Now, what do you think about this chapter? Do you think they might kiss soon? Is it weird that he likes when she kisses his scars? Or is it just his longing for affection? Let me know in the comments :)

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

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