Galway Girl

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It was a normal night for Ed, he had just stepped out of the bar on Grafton Street into the cool summer breeze. He sighed, exhausted, and began on his journey home, slipping on his headphones to listen to his favourite song Don't Mine at Night.
He had barely managed to escape the swarms of fans inside; no matter where Ed went, he could never seem to get away from them for long. It's hard being the biggest artist in the world, not to mention to sexiest man alive.

Ed was snapped swiftly out of his tired state when he heard the sounds of a woman screaming from around the side of the bar. He grabbed his guitar from over his shoulder and ran towards the source of all this commotion, bearing it like a bat.
As he turned the corner, Ed saw a woman behind harassed by an angry mob.
"Get away from me you peasant fags!" She screamed, trying to twerk them off and failing. They were throwing rocks at her and calling her a crusty musty tory rat ass fat bussy stanky bitch. Without a second thought, Ed slayed half the crowd with his guitar and the remaining few were knocked out at the mere sight of Ed and his sexiness.

After defeating the angry mob, Ed stood up and turned to face the woman. He twerked aggressively as a sign of greeting. The woman thanked Ed for saving her life.

"I think I owe you a drink after that; what is your name kind sir?"

"Ed." Ed replied "And who might you be, kitten?"

"Oh my goodness, international sensation and sexiest man alive, Ed Sheeran? It is a pleasure to meet you, Ed; my name is Margaret Thatcher." The woman blushed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, my lady." Ed said with a bow. They both twerked aggressively as they began on their journey off into the night.

[Hope you enjoy my kittens😩😈 I will post part 2 soon]

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss [Ed Sheeran x Margaret Thatcher]Where stories live. Discover now