Obama Inn

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"We need somewhere to stay for the night," said Margaret.

Ed stopped twerking and looked around "How about this place?" he said pointing to a building behind them; the building had a large sign with Barack Obama's face on the front. The sign read "Obama Inn"

"Sounds good to me."

Once they were inside the Inn, Margaret and Ed realised they had no money as they had spent it all on booze at the strip club so Ed hopped up onto the front desk and started doing the wap for the manager, Barack Obama, as a form of payment.

"My, my," Obama said after Ed was done with his performance "that was rather sexy if I do say so"

"Well, they don't say I am the sexiest man alive for no reason" Ed replied with a smirk.

"Ed, stop flirting with Obama, it's gay." Margaret frowned.

"It looks like the lady requires my presence," Ed said, standing up "I'll see you later, kitten."

"I'll be waiting, senpai." Obama winked and handed Ed his room key.

An hour later, Ed and Margaret were having an epic shag in their room. They had been at it for over fifty minutes when they heard a loud bang on the window

"LET ME IN MAGGIE, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO WITH THAT ED!" Boris Johnson yelled from outside.

"Shit," Margaret muttered "Ed, you might want to get out of here, who knows what my husband will do if he gets his hands on you; I'm sorry, Ed- truly. I'll come and find you later."

"Wow." Ed shook his head "I thought I meant more to you than this." He said, shutting the door behind him as he left the room.

"I'M SORRY, ED-" Margaret began but was shortly interrupted by Boris, who landed with a loud thud on the floor after climbing through the window.

[Part four will be out soon 😈😩 I think it is going to be the last part💔]

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss [Ed Sheeran x Margaret Thatcher]Where stories live. Discover now