The Gaga Games

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"It's The Countess to you two." Lady Gaga hissed "And if you want to live you'd better follow me."
She turned on her heels and headed towards the lift.

"That sounds kind of dramatic but okay queen!" Obama said, grabbing Ed by his juicy ass and dragging him along.

Lady Gaga lead the pair up to her penthouse on the top floor of the hotel; it was a large, circular room, decorated with numerous pieces of expensive artwork. In the middle of the room, there was a white, crescent shaped sofa.

"Sit." She said, gesturing towards it.

Obama and Ed did as they were told, still in awe about being face to face with Lady Gaga.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate you; you have been chosen to compete in The Gaga Games, a competition, created by me, which will be taking place tonight; you will be competing against eleven other teams of two. The games will take place at big tesco, where all twenty-four contestants will be made to fight until only one remains. We will be heading to big tesco to begin the games shortly.
Any questions?"

"So it's basically The Hunger Games?" Obama asked.

"No, it's The Gaga Games." Lady Gaga said impatiently.

"But it's basically the same thing as The Hunger Games, it just has a different name." Ed chimed in.

"Oh my god, it's literally nothing like The Hunger Games, how many times to I have to tell you?!" She yelled.

"So are-"

"I've had enough of your dumbass questions we're leaving now. Children!"

Immediately following Lady Gaga's cries, six ugly, dusty, musty, crusty ass, bleach blonde, disgusting, pale, 2"2 children appeared from behind the long, grey curtains.

"Ew, what the fuck are those things?!" Obama gasped, appalled.

"Take these two to The Pussy Wagon." She demanded.

The ugly children split into two single file lines and lifted Ed and Obama onto the tops of their blonde heads.

"I've got a bad feeling about this, Obama-chan!" Ed cried as the children dumped the couple into The Pussy Wagon

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"I've got a bad feeling about this, Obama-chan!" Ed cried as the children dumped the couple into The Pussy Wagon.

"Don't fear, Eddie-poo, we'll be fine if we stick together!" Obama replied.

"But Obama, didn't you hear her?! Only one player can survive!"

Obama's heart sank and his face turned pale (almost as pale as the ugly ass children) as he finally realised Ed was right.

Suddenly, the door on the driver side of The Pussy Wagon swung open and Lady Gaga jumped in. Party Rock Anthem (Alvin's version) played on the radio as she started the engine. She turned to face the pair and said
"Good luck."

[Thanks for all the support obamians😘😋😻
The Gaga Games is out now!]

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