Nicki Minaj 🦄

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"OMG!! Is that Nicki Minaj?!" Obama gasped pointing to a figure in the distance outside of the window. The figure was twerking though the sky in a bright pink dress.
"I think it really is her; NICKI I'M A BARB!" He yelled banging on the window.

"I think it really is her; NICKI I'M A BARB!" He yelled banging on the window

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"Nicki Minaj 🦄" called the figure.
Obama was so shocked he had met his idol that he passed out in his seat.

30 minutes later, the plane landed and Obama was still laying, passed out in his seat.

"Wake up, Obama-chan!" Said Ed, shaking Obama. He looked around for Boris but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Boris?" Ed called out into the now nearly empty plane as he rose from his seat.

Obama woke suddenly a few minutes later at the sound of Ed's screams. He ran as fast as he could to the bathroom where Ed stood with his hands over his mouth.
The sight before them was truly horrific.

"Obama-, Ed-, I- I can explain-" Boris stuttered, pushing Matt Hancock off of him.

"Wow, Boris, wow. I really thought we had something going," Obama said, wrapping an arm around Ed, who was now sobbing violently.

"And as for you Matt Hand Cock, I am very disappointed to see you cheating on your wife for the second time this month, I will be letting her know about this!
Do better, both of you. Let's go Ed," Obama said with a twerk.

"It's Hancock, actually-" Matt began but Obama and Ed were long gone.

Ed wiped the tears from his eyes as he and Obama collected their luggage and exited the plane.
This was a big step for the pair of them as this was the first time they had been without Boris since they first started dating yesterday.

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss [Ed Sheeran x Margaret Thatcher]Where stories live. Discover now