Obama And Ed Visit The Hotel Cortez

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⚠️ Mention of B*n Harmon

By the evening Obama and Ed had left the airport and were about to check in to a nearby hotel called Hotel Cortez.

"Are you sure about this, kitten?" Obama asked, "I've heard alot of strange thing go on in this hotel."

"Don't worry yourself, Obama-chan, I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm exhausted and I can't be asked to go anywhere else anyway."

"Okay, anything for you, Eddy." Obama sighed as they headed inside.

"Room 64." Said Iris, the woman behind the front desk as she handed Obama and Ed their key "Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you," said Obama as Ed twerked gratefully.

The pair set off down the long corridor and eventually found their room.

"Wait," said Ed, putting his left ear up against the door "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Listen," Ed said gesturing for Obama to come closer to the door.

"Hey guys, today I am going to be trying to summon BEN HARMON at 3AM! This is NOT CLICKBAIT you guys, I am actually RISKING MY LIFE for this video so make sure to like and subscribe an-" said a muffled woman's voice from the other side of the door.

"What is that?" Said Ed.

"I don't know- let's check it out." Obama said, jamming the key into the lock before Ed could stop him.

"Okay, you guys. Now I am going to be- hey what the fuck? Can't you see I'm trying to film something here?" Yelled the blonde frizzy-haired woman sitting on the floor of Ed and Obama's room.

"Um, sorry? This is our room- The woman at the desk gave us the key, what are you doing here?" Obama replied, defensively.

"Ugh- Iris. Fucking bitch I TOLD HER I was gonna be filming something ! NOBODY EVER FUCKING LISTENS TO ME AROUND HERE I-"

Suddenly a bald woman stuck her head around the door "Sally we talked about this-" she said spotting the blonde woman, who was now angrily gathering her things off the floor "You're scaring away the customers!"

"Fuck you, Liz. How am I meant to keep my fans entertained when I can't even film one fucking video without being interrupted?" Sally rolled her eyes.

"I understand that," said Liz taking Sally by the shoulders and leading her out of room 64 "but can you maybe just- not film in the rooms guests are gonna be staying in. It's really not good for business. What are you filming now anyway?"

"I'm trying to summon Ben Harmon." Sally sighed.

"Honey, Ben Harmon's not in this season he's in-" Liz frowned.

"I know he's not in this season but that doesn't mean I can't-" Sally's voice faded away as her and Liz turned the corner at the end of the corridor.

"Strange." Remarked Obama, scratching his head in confusion.

"Mhm. Come on let's get some rest now." Ed said too exhausted to say anything more.

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