Fleeing The Country

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A tear rolled down Ed's cheek as Nicocado finished his speech. "Thank you, Nic, that was-"
Before Ed could say another word, Boris jumped out of bed and punched Nicocado square in the face
"I haven't got time for this cliché bull shit, mate, sorry."

"What the fuck, Boris?" Obama yelled, crawling over to where Nic lay, bleeding, on the floor "Shit; he's not breathing- I think he's dead."

"What have I done?" Boris gasped, looking down at his now bloodied hands.

"We can't stay here!" Ed remarked, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"What are you saying, Ed?" Obama said.

"We have to go on the run."

No more than twenty minutes later, the three had packed their bags and were sitting in a taxi on their way to the airport.

"This is the place right?" Said the taxi driver, Sonic.

"Yes, thank you-" Obama was cut off as Boris leaned over the seat and punched Sonic in the balls, sending him flying up into the sun where he was burned alive.

"BORIS! What the fuck is up with you today?" Obama hissed.

"We can't leave any witnesses." Boris said, dusting off his hands.

"Come on we haven't got time for this!" Ed yelled as he began to unload their luggage from the back of the taxi "Will somebody help me out here?"

Two hours later, Ed and Obama were sat next to each other on the plane, waiting for take off; Boris was sat a few rows back next to Gemma Collins. As the plane took off she started screaming at Boris "Get away from me I'm claustrophobic you know!"

Gemma Collins was causing so much fuss that the flight attendant had to move Boris to a new seat; at the front this time. Now he was sat between Elon Musk and Tom Felton; Boris was very happy to be sat with rich, white, transphobic men of his own kind.

[I cba to write anymore but I wanted to write this chapter because chapter 4 was kinda left on a cliffhanger😨 anyway part 6 will be up soon😃]

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