Boris Johnson's Strip Club

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"Oh dear,"said Margaret;  they had travelled half-way across the country, all the way to the coast, in search of a bar but alas all of them were closed as it was gone 1AM by now.
"It appears everywhere is closed."

"How about that place?" Ed asked, pointing to a building illuminated by a glowing neon pink sign, which read "Boris The Epic Shag Johnson's Sexy Strip Club"

"I suppose that'll have to do." Margaret frowned.

"What's the matter, kitten?" Ed pondered, "You don't seem so keen."

"It's nothing, I did promise you a drink after all, let's go." She replied and began to twerk it off as they headed inside.

Inside the strip club, multicoloured lights flashed and I love you Jesus by Trisha Paytas blared loudly in the background. The waiter, Nigel Farage, came speeding, on all fours, from behind the bar. He greeted them with a twerk before leading them to a table.

By now it was almost 3AM, Ed and Margaret had downed all of the alcohol they had in the club  and were focused on Nicocado Avocado, who had been twerking and rolling around on the floor since long before they arrived.
"And now for the grand finale!" Nicocado screamed as he ran towards the strip pole in the centre of the club.
As he grabbed onto it, the pole shook and the ceiling collapsed on top of him.

Boris Johnson appeared, suddenly, from the back of the strip club.

Margaret gasped and ducked under the table.
"We've got to get out of here, quickly." She hissed to Ed as she used her twerking powers to levitate up through the hole Nicocado had made. Ed tried to ask what was going on but Margaret had disappeared through the ceiling before he could blink an eye.

The pair sat on the edge of the rooftop out of breath after having twerked so hard to escape.
"Come on," said Margaret "let's get out of here"
Ed still didn't know why Margaret had seemed so desperate to leave when Boris appeared but he didn't question it anymore; instead he followed her as she began twerking off through the sky.

"Come on," said Margaret "let's get out of here" Ed still didn't know why Margaret had seemed so desperate to leave when Boris appeared but he didn't question it anymore; instead he followed her as she began twerking off through the sky

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