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Me and Fred walked back to the Burrow.
"Fred I don't think anyone is here." All the lights were still off.
"It's alright." He opened the door letting me in.

I walked in and then the lights suddenly turned on.
"Congratulations!" Everyone came out of hiding and I jumped.
"What is this?"
"This is to celebrate your and Fred's engagement." George first spoke up.

I then looked at the streamers and a banner reading Congrats to y/n and Fred on your engagement.
"You all are so sweet." Everyone came to hug me tightly.

"I'm so happy for you. We were wondering how long it was going take him to ask you since we gave him our blessing." My mum hugged me tightly.
"Wait when did this happen?"
"When you finally came back. You were already waiting for him outside. We can see how much he loves you." My dad smiled.

I turned my head to see Fred laughing and smiling. I caught his attention and he winked at me. I got butterflies and turned away.

"You have to tell us everything!" Hermione came up to me.
"And don't leave a single thing out," Fleur added excitedly.
"Come on sit." Ginny pulled me to the couch.
Tonks, Angelina, and Luna were the only calm ones out of the girls.

Fred POV
"I assume everything went as planned." George wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"It went perfectly."
"Who knew Freddie would find himself someone who loved him." Bill joked.

I laughed and as I looked up I saw y/n smiling at me. I winked at her and she turned back around to her parents.

All the girls dragged y/n to the living room.
"You ready for the next step?" Lee asked.
"With y/n I am. I've never been more sure of anything."
"Look at how happy you are." George nudged me.
"Shove off." I slightly pushed him.

"Time to eat. We will be eating outside." Mum called from the kitchen. Everyone started to go outside, but the girls seemed too distracted.

I walked over to them all sitting.
"It's dinner. You can continue your conversation later." They all turned to me and started to walk out.

"I didn't know you could pull something like that off Fred," Ginny said getting up.
"Why did you doubt me?"
"You didn't tell us everything yesterday. All you said was that you were proposing to y/n. With something like that I'm surprised nothing went wrong."
"Wow thanks for having faith in me," I replied sarcastically. She laughed as she continued to walk out.

"Would you like to join me for our dinner with our families?" I offered my hand slightly bowing.
"It would be rude if we didn't." Y/n grabbed ahold of my hand.

"So that's what you and George were doing yesterday?" Y/n asked me.
"Yep. It was hard trying to keep it from you. That's why you scared me when I thought you were mad we came home later than expected."
"I think you did a magnificent job."
"Well, why thank you. It's a good thing you appreciate it."

Me and y/n walked out to the yard seeing lights hung up.
"This is beautiful." Y/n looked up at the lights.
"Thank you, but come on sit you two." Mum urged us and we took a seat next to each other.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. Y/n and Tonks were in a deep conversation.
"I forgot to give this to you two." Mine and y/n attention were caught by George holding a photo.

I took it in my hand and held it between us. I looked to see it was right when I proposed to y/n.
"How did you-"
"I asked him to." I cut off y/n.
"I kept a good distance, so you two wouldn't see me. Once I took the picture I rushed back to the Burrow." George explained.
"You two are outstanding." Y/n laughed shaking her head.

"Another photo to add for the books."
"I'm glad he caught that moment." Y/n smiled looking at the picture.
"Thank you, Georgie."
"No problem, " he shrugged turning to his original conversation.

The day was finally coming to a close as we all started to say our goodbyes.
"Thank you all so much for this. It means a lot."
"There's nothing to thank us for dear. You already know we think of you as family. I'm just glad Fred met someone like you y/n." Mum engulfed y/n in a tight hug.

"We should get going love."
"Okay, I'm ready."
"Thank you, everyone." They all said goodbye and waved goodbye before we went back to the flat.

I was overwhelmed with happiness. Today was perfect.
The second we got to the flat I took off my shoes.
"Finally, these shoes were killing me." I then felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me picking me up.

"Fred, what are you doing?" I laughed as I tried to get out of his grip.
He opened the door to our room and laid me on the bed.

He walked up to his desk and opened one of the drawers taking out the photo album I gave him. He took out the photo from his back pocket and sat beside me. I slightly sat up.

He opened to the next available page and placed it inside.
"There. How does it look?"
"It looks amazing." I smiled.
"I'm glad." He put the photo album back in the drawer.

As he came back he had a slightly mischievous look.
"What are you thinking Fred Weasley?"
"Nothing," he replied innocently going on top of me.

His body hovered over mine.
"Fred?" I slightly raised my eyebrows.
"Well I don't want this night exactly to end, so I figured we can make it last a little longer." I laughed at Fred.

"What?! Can you blame me? I just don't want this day to end with my fiancé."
"Wow, I'm not even your girlfriend anymore." He lightly chuckled and I pulled his neck to bring his face closer to me.

"What are you thinking y/n?" He smirked.
"I'm thinking that I would like to spend more time with my fiancé. But how about George and Angelina?"
"They won't be here until later. But you sure you want to do this?"

I pulled him in closer crashing our lips.
"Does that answer your question?" I pulled away. Our faces only inches apart.
"Definitely," he leaned again with more force.

We both changed into some pj's and were in each other's arms.
"Thank you for today. I think you just blew any fantasy I had of how I would be engaged when I was younger."
"I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for making me the luckiest man by saying yes." I looked at my ring admiring its beauty.

"Are you sure I'm not dreaming?"
"I can assure you it's not a dream love." He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you, Fred." I looked up to see his beautiful eyes.
"I love you two y/n." He pecked my lips before I laid my head back on his chest.

I found it hard to fall asleep. I was soon going to marry Fred Weasley. The absolute love of my life.

A/N- Sorry for not that long of a chapter and missing a day. I forgot😅

I will be going to my old posting schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday just to add suspense. Especially for later on when the drama comes in.

Besides that hope you enjoyed it and have a good weekend💖🥰

Forever and Always Sequel to Complicated (Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now