Starting to Plan

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I woke up with an amazing feeling. Yesterday felt so unreal. But I then looked at my ring and it wasn't a dream. This was all true.

I was too lazy to get up and I didn't want to wake up Fred, so I started to read one of my books. It was just more about muggles, but I found it pretty fascinating.

I felt Fred shift in the bed, but I continued reading.
"Good morning love," Fred spoke in his sleepy voice.
"Good morning handsome."
"I like the sound of that." He sat up and peaked over my shoulder.

"No wonder my dad likes you." He grabbed the book from my hands.
"Hey, I was reading that." I tried to snatch it back.

He was scanning through the pages.
"Muggles are weird." He concluded as he gave me back my book.
"Maybe, but they have very interesting things." I put the book next to my nightstand.
"You have a point. Now, what would you like to do?" He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Can we just relax?" Right, when I finished my sentence my owl Izzy pecked at the window. I got up from my bed and she flew in standing on the nightstand.

As I was about to close the window, another owl came crashing into the wall.
"Damn owl," Fred got up and went to the owl.
"Is that yours?"
"It's my family's. His name is Errol, but he's quite clumsy." I giggled as I closed the window and made my way over to Izzy.

I grabbed the letter from Izzy's ankle instantly recognizing it as my mother's handwriting. I sat on the bed opening it.
"Who's yours from?" Fred sat beside me.
"My mother. Did you get one?"
"Yep. It's from my mum."
"They want something from us." I then took out the letter.

Dear y/n,
We are glad that you and Fred are engaged. That means we must start planning immediately to discuss what you two want. Please come to the Burrow as soon you can. Molly also wrote a letter to Fred. We will be waiting. See you soon.

"They want us to go to the Burrow."
"I guess we start getting ready." Fred got up and I groaned.
"It's not going to be that bad." Fred walked over to me.
"It's our parents. We haven't even discussed what we want."
"We'll just figure it out once we're there. Trust me I'm not that thrilled either." Fred kissed me before walking out to take a shower.

We finally finished getting ready.
"Ready?" Fred asked.
"No, not really," I answered honestly.
"It'll be fine love." He squeezed my hand and my nerves slightly went away. We then apparated to the Burrow.

We arrived in front of the Burrow and walked inside to see both our mums at the dining table.
"You finally made it. Did you have anything to eat yet?" Molly came over to hug us both.
"No, we got ready straight away to come over here," Fred answered her question.

"You can have something while we discuss your wedding." We walked over to the table and sat across our mum's.
"Where's dad?" I asked.
"He and Arthur are out. They didn't want to join us." My mum explained.
"Can I join them?" Fred muttered to where I only heard them.

I elbowed Fred's side with a smile. He slightly groaned and held to his side. Luckily no one noticed.

"Here's some tea with some danishes." She handed each a cup of tea and set a plate with danishes in the center.

"Now that everything is settled let's discuss your wedding." Moly sat down.
"How big do you want it?" My mum asked. Me and Fred looked at each other and we both luckily knew what we wanted.

"Small." We said together.
"Only close relatives and friends," I added. Both of our mums took note.
"Do you have an idea on when you want to marry?" Molly questioned.
"I'll let y/n decide on this one." Fred grabbed a danish and took a bite leaning back on the chair.

"Thanks for the help," I said sarcastically.
"I always wanted a fall wedding." I looked at Fred unsure.
"I'm good with that." He grabbed onto my hand sitting up more.

"Beautiful weather in the fall. Especially with all the colors. Do you mind if we had fall colors as your wedding colors?" My mum asked while still writing.
"I wouldn't mind that. Y/n?" Fred turned to me.
"That sounds like a great idea." I smiled.

"I think we should hold the wedding in November. Let me check the calendar." Molly walked up and came back with a calendar.

"By the looks of it, I think the best day is on the twentieth which is a Saturday."
"That's sounds great. Anything else?" I asked hoping we were done.
"Yes, there are a few more things to go over." I regretted asking that question now.

After hours of talking, I think we were finally done for today.
"Okay so red, orange, and yellow are the colors. I want you two to take this." Molly pushed a small wedding planner towards us.

"You will create the guest list and arrange the seating. The wedding will be held here like Bill and Fleur's. We'll design the invitations and run them by you two before we send them. We only have a few months until the wedding, so that should give us enough time. We'll find a day where you two can go shopping for your outfits. That should cover it all for now." Molly explained.

Just hearing all of that exhausted me.
"Okay thank you. We'll see you soon." Me and Fred got up to apparate back to the flat. I had the small wedding book in my hand.

When we came back to the flat I didn't even want to walk to our room. I just plopped myself on the couch. Fred sat beside leaning his head back.

"I am not even going to start on this yet." I placed the wedding planner on the table not even bothering.
"It was so much talking. It's already nightfall." I complained.

"You know they're just trying to help out. If it was just us doing this then we would be getting nowhere."
"I guess your right," I admitted.

"I am excited though," I said looking at the ceiling.
"Me too." Fred smiled.

"Let's talk about the wedding though." I sat up.
"We already did," Fred complained now.

"Stop complaining. I just want to ask who are you planning to be your groomsmen and best man?"
"Easy. My brothers even though Charlie probably can't make it, that's alright. Also Harry and Lee. My best man is going to be George of course."

"How about you? Who are going to be your bridesmaids and maid of honor?" I thought for a second.

"Honestly I don't know if I can choose a maid of honor right now. I do know I want Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Angelina, and Fleur as bridesmaids though."

I grabbed the wedding planner and grabbed a quill to quickly write down who I wanted as my bridesmaids and who Fred wanted as his groomsmen.

"Now all we have to do is ask them, but that's something for another day."
"Sounds like a plan. Can we go to sleep though?" Fred asked.
"Of course Freddie."

We walked into the bedroom and quickly changed to get under the sheets. I know it would take lots of work, but it would be fun planning all of this. As long as Fred was right beside me nothing could go wrong.

A/N-Hope you all are enjoying so far.
Stay safe and hydrated. Hope you all have a good week🥰

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