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Fred was currently downstairs working and I was thinking of who to invite. We had to see Molly tomorrow and every time Fred would come back he would be so exhausted. I didn't want to bother him, so doing this part by myself shouldn't be so bad.

Doing the guest list was harder than I thought.
I was upside down on the couch.
"What are you doing y/n?" I looked up to see Angelina.
"I'm thinking if I'm upside down I can finish this damn guest list." I sat up feeling a small headache.

She sat beside me.
"Shouldn't Fred be helping you with this?"
"He's always tired after work, so I don't want to bother him."
"He works mostly five days a week. If you keep doing that then it's only you who's helping." Angelina tried to reason with me.

"I'm only doing this. Then if Molly asks us for anything else I will make sure he helps me."
"Whatever you say." She let go of the subject.

I needed help because I kept blanking.
"Angie, would you mind helping me?" I smiled sheepishly.
"Fine, but only this once."
"Thank you." We sat closer together to think.

"Finally. Done!" I let go of the quill and examined the final guest list.
"By the looks of it, that's at least a hundred people. I think that's fine."
"The majority is Fred's family anyway," I added in.

"What's the majority of my family?" We turned to see the twins walk in.
"I finally finished the guest list." Fred's face dropped and turned into guilt.
"I am so sorry. I completely forgot. It's been busy at the shop." He tried to apologize.
"It's fine Fred. Just don't make me do this all by myself."
"I promise." He kissed my cheek.

Fred POV
I felt guilty for letting y/n do the guest list alone. I don't want her to do this alone, so I know I had to put more effort into trying to help.

We arrived at the Burrow by the floo network.
"Hello, dears. Do you have the guest list?" Mum asked us.
"Yes here's a copy. We have the original in the book." Y/n handed my mum the list.

After examining the names she finally spoke.
"This works well. I think this is a perfect amount of guests. I'll talk to Monica and we'll get the invitations ready. Do you want to put the invitations in the envelope and we just make two separate stacks?" Mum asked us.

Y/n turned to me unsure of what to say.
"I think we can do that. Just tell us when they're ready. Anything else?"
"For now just focus on the seating arrangements. Six people per table. Some might have less, but that's okay."
"Sounds good. Y/n want to go to the lake and relax?" I turned to her.
"I would like that very much."

We walked up to the lake and sat at our usual spot under the weeping willow. We leaned against each other just looking at the lake.

"This officially my favorite spot for us," Y/n said softly.
"It's mine too." We stayed in peaceful silence.

I groaned as I felt a pain in my back. I then noticed that we fell asleep.
"Y/n you have to wake up. We fell asleep." I shook her gently.

"Oh sorry, you must be uncomfortable." She quickly sat up.
"It's okay. I'll be fine don't worry. Let's just go home and get some rest." We got up and apparated to the flat.

~2 weeks later~
It's already the first week of July and we have nothing done. Fred was still exhausted and every time I would bring up our wedding he said he would help me later. I love him, but it's getting on my nerves.

"I give up!" I deeply sighed as I threw the paper on the ground.
"Calm down." Angelina put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Fred is getting on my nerves. I'm not doing this all by myself."
"And you won't have to. Just force him more to help you once he comes back."
"Okay fine." I relaxed a little.

Forever and Always Sequel to Complicated (Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now