The Night Before

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I groaned in pain as I woke up.
"Bloody hell," I slowly sat up. I began to felt nauseous.
"Here love," Fred was already changed. He gave me a small vile and I drunk it all in one gulp. I began to feel better.

"Thanks, Freddie."
"Your welcome. How did you sleep."
"Pretty good, but I have one question."
"What is it?"
"Please don't tell me I sang last night."
"You did pretty well yesterday. I'm impressed." I groaned again hiding my face in my hands.

"It wasn't bad. I think everyone enjoyed your little performance." Fred sat down beside me.
"Thanks." I looked at him.

"Just a few more days." He said getting up.
"It's exciting." I finally got up and began to change. I still had my undergarments on. I turned around to face away from Fred, but I could feel him looking at me.

"You drooling yet?" I joked.
"Sorry," he mumbled. I turned back around once I finished getting ready.

"You do know what this means though right?"
"No?" I looked at him confused.
"We won't see each other for a few days. The next time I see you'll be walking down the aisle." My happy mood fell.

"Don't be sad. We've been separated for way longer love."
"I guess, but I want to be with you." I wrapped my arms around him.
"Me too love, but you're leaving for the Burrow today with Angelina. Me and the boys are here at the flat."
"Fine let me pack."

"These next few days are going to be torture." I pouted.
"I know, but I can't wait to see you in your dress." He leaned in to give me a light kiss.

"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too." Fred leaned in again, this time the kiss lasting longer.

"I better get going then," I spoke softly.
"I'll walk you out." He opened our door leading me out.

"No sad faces," George said as we walked to the living room.
"You two will see each other in a few days." Angelina walked up to me.

"Bye Freddie. Love you." I gave Fred one last quick kiss before waking with Angelina to the fireplace.
"See you soon love." He smiled.

I had my bags in my hand and squished in with Angelina.
"To the Burrow!" Angelina said clearly and I waved bye to Fred one last time before being surrounded by the green flames.

Fred POV
"Now that the girls are gone the guys should get here soon." George patted my shoulder.
"So what are we doing for the next few days?" I asked George.

"We'll set up your surprise for y/n. Once that's done have some fun. Quidditch, games, and maybe drink. We need to take advantage of the old you before the new you comes."
"What do you mean?" I asked him curiously as to what he meant.

"You're going to become a whole new man once you married. We're taking advantage of the free man you are."
"I'm not going to change that much." I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah sure. Soon enough you're going to become a dad and have more responsibilities."
"You too with Angelina when you at least pluck up the courage to ask her to marry you." George began to go red and I laughed.

"Shut up. And I will soon." He responded.
"Yeah, we'll see what soon means." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. Enough about me. Everyone should be here any minute." George changed the topic.

~Night before the wedding~
Me and the girls were in the living room of the Burrow. It was the night before the wedding and my nerves were catching up with me.

"How do you feel?" Luna asked me.
"Excited, but nervous."
"There's nothing to be nervous about," Fleur reassured me.
"We're going to give you a little beauty treatment to relax." Hermione then showed some skincare stuff.

"Let's get started." Ginny clapped excitedly. We all began to do something different. The girls were more focused on me.

Hermione and Fleur were doing my nails while Luna placed a face mask on me. It did feel relaxing. My nerves began to subside.

The girls finished pampering me.
"How do you feel?" Angelina asked.
"Refreshed," I replied.
"Perfect. I think our job is done."
"Now let's play some games," Ginny announced.
"What game?" I asked nervously.
"Truth or dare," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Since it's y/n's big day tomorrow she should go first. So y/n truth or dare?" Ginny asked.
"Truth," I responded without hesitating.

"Did you ever doubt your and Fred's relationship?" Ginny asked.
"Yes actually." Everyone gasped.
"It was when I had my miscarriage. I thought we would never be the same again. Especially when I had a dream the night I came back and Fred left me because I never brought her back." I explained myself.

"But I've come to terms with it and it made us stronger. We both love each other and nothing is going to stop us." I lightened the mood.
"That's good. At least you were honest." Hermione said.

We played a few rounds before Molly came into the room.
"Excuse me girls, but y/n needs her sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."
"Goodnight," everyone said and I followed Molly upstairs.

I was sleeping in Ginny's room. I felt bad that I took her room, but she said it was fine.
"Now gets some sleep." Molly hugged me.
"I will. Thank you." She smiled before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I changed into some silky pjs that the girls bought me. It was with white shorts and a white top having bride to be written on the back.

I crawled into bed and laid on my back looking at the ceiling.
"I'm finally getting married tomorrow." I played with my ring.
"I love you Fred and I can't wait to finally call you my husband. Goodnight Fred." I turned to my side and let sleep take over.

Fred POV
I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. I felt nervous but excited for tomorrow. I was finally marrying the love of my life.

"I love you y/n and I can't wait to call you my wife. Goodnight y/n." I turned to my side and could myself grinning as I let sleep take over.

A/N-The journey is so close to an end! The next chapter is the WEDDING! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and love you all💗

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