The Big Day

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I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the window. I smiled getting up and stretching. I felt butterflies at the thought of today.

"Good morning dear." Molly walked in with a tray of food.
"Breakfast in bed." She placed the tray next to me. Showing pancakes, scrambled eggs, a glass of orange juice, and fresh fruit. Just the looks of it made my mouth water.

"This looks amazing. Thank you, Molly." I took a bite of scrambled eggs.
"I hope you enjoy it. After you finish eating head straight into the shower." Molly explained to me.
"Will do," she smiled before leaving.

I finished my food and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I had my undergarments and a robe that said bride in my hands.

I turned on the water and went inside the shower. The warm water hit my body. I immediately began to relax my body in the heat.

I got out of the shower. Putting my hair up in a towel and changed. I grabbed my pj's and rushed back to Ginny's room.

I entered her room and saw that it was already noon. The wedding started at three. I could see everyone at work setting up from the window.

"Time to get ready," Ginny exclaimed and all the girls walked in. They all had light pink robes with bridesmaid written on it.

I walked over to the vanity and took a seat.
"Let's get to work." Angelina had a face of determination.

Angelina and Hermione were doing my hair while Fleur did my makeup. Ginny and Luna were getting themselves ready.

"Did you get some good night's rest?" Luna asked.
"I did actually," I smiled looking at my ring.
"Looks like you had some good dreams." Ginny giggled.

"I just want it to be three already." I sighed.
"Slow down. We're not even close to finishing getting you ready." Angelina said and I laughed.

We were midway through getting me ready.
"Can I have some more fruit?" I asked no one in particular.
"Didn't you eat breakfast?" Hermione asked.
"Yes, but I just want some strawberries or something. Please it's my wedding day." I pouted batting my eyes.

"You did not just use that card." Ginny groaned.
"Oh yes, I did," I smirked.
"Okay fine. I'll get you something." Ginny left her room to grab me some fruit.

Ginny came back shortly.
"Here are some slices of strawberries." Ginny placed the plate in front of me.
"Thank you." I took my fork and began to eat.

"After two hours we are done!" Angelina put her hands up. The girls switched off so they all had a chance to get ready.

"Can I see?" I asked.
"Not until you fully get dressed," Ginny said.
"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked eagerly.
"Calm down y/n." Ginny giggled waking up to her closest.

Ginny then took out my dress that was protected. She unzipped it from the covering and laid my dress flatly on the bed.

"Put your heels on first," Ginny instructed.
"Here," Luna handed me white wheels. I put them on and walked over to Ginny.

"I'm ready for my dress." I smiled excitedly.
"Okay step right up." She put my dress down and I stepped in taking off my robe.

She lifted my dress and buttoning it up.
"Ladies introducing our beautiful bride. You can turn around y/n." I turned around and gasped at the image in the mirror. I could hardly recognize myself.

My dress fit my body perfectly showing my curves in the right places. My hair was curled, but half up and half down with a braid. There was a small flower barrette in my hair as well.

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