The Truth Comes Out

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My heart dropped as I saw Fred standing there.

"Fred I don't know what you heard, but please let me explain." I started to panic.
"I think I heard plenty." He approached me slowly.
"Fred stop. Just hear me out." My tears started to come back.
"You lied to me for months! How can I trust you?" He started to yell.

"I know what I did was wrong, but if you have to give me a chance to talk." I started to tremble.
"No, I won't."
"Fred let y/n explain herself." George approached him trying to calm him down.
"No George!" He stepped further from George.

"What's going on?" Angelina then came into the office.
"Y/n here has been lying. She was able to come back because of some book. But here's where things get interesting. She can only see what was written because she accepted the fact that she could die." My tears were flowing. My fear was becoming a reality and it was all my fault.

"Fred I know it's bad, but I thought I was making the right decision." I tried to reason with him.
"How? How was keeping any of this a secret from us the right decision?" I saw all the pain I was causing him.

"I know I screwed up! But just let me explain myself!" I started to feel anger rise.
"What?! To explain this!" He threw the journal where I had written stuff down on the floor. My eyes widened. I didn't blame him for looking through the drawer.

"You know if you didn't want to marry me you could've just said so." I felt my heart slowly start to shatter.
"I do Fred! I love you so much."
"Do you? You know if you were so accepting to death then you should've just left me." I could see his eyes were watering.

"Don't say that."
"I'm marrying you for crying out loud! Marriage is about trust, but you don't have that. You should've just let me be miserable." That's when something snapped inside of me and I couldn't take this anymore.

"Shut up Fred!" Everyone was taken back.
"I know I screwed up! I thought I was doing this to protect you, but I ended up hurting us both. You know why I did that though?" I paused for a second and he looked speechless.

"Because I love you! And if you let me explain myself then you would know that I didn't want any of this to happen!" I took a deep breath trying to regain my thoughts.

"You could've easily chosen death." I heard him mutter.
"You see what's wrong with that sentence?" He looked shocked that I heard him.
"I could've. But here I am. I could've easily just told Percy how to get back to his family and I stay behind to die. But I didn't." Fred's anger started to disappear and is now covered with guilt.

"Y/n I-" he began to approach me, but I stood back.
"No Fred. I could've chosen Rosie and Henry over you. Be with them right now finding peace, but I didn't. You know why?" I paused seeing his pain.

"Cause I love you. Hell, even Rosie understood that I had to come back. She wanted me to be happy. So did Henry. He was glad that I found someone like you." Fred opened his mouth to try to speak, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"So yes Fred. I still want to marry you and I'm so sorry that I hurt you. It wasn't my intention at all." He tried to approach me again, but I pushed him back.

"I-I can't with this right now. I need some time to be alone. I'm going to go away for a little bit either you like it or not. I know where I stand. I want to marry you, but I think we just need to pause everything for a moment. And I want you to figure out if you want the same thing as me." I brushed past everyone in the office and rushed upstairs to the flat.

I packed a small bag with the things I needed to last me a few days. As I walked out the flat was still empty. I assume everyone was still downstairs in the office.

I took this as my chance to leave. Just before apparating away, I heard someone call for me, but I closed my eyes and ignored it.

I knocked to the house of the first person I thought of.
"Oh hello y/n. It's lovely to see you." Luna's soft voice spoke as she saw me.
"If it isn't too much, do you think I can stay here for a few days?"
"Of course. I don't think my father would mind. Follow me." I walked into her home. The place I would be staying to give me and Fred some time.

Fred POV
Every word y/n was saying made me feel guilty. I didn't give her a chance and now I was putting her through so much pain.

"So yes Fred. I still want to marry you and I'm so sorry that I hurt you. It wasn't my intention at all." I tried to hug her, but she pushed me back.

"I-I can't with this right now. I need some time to be alone. I'm going to go away for a little bit either you like it or not. I know where I stand. I want to marry you, but I think we just need to pause everything for a moment. And I want you to figure out if you want the same thing as me." She ran past us and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Well, are you going to just stand here? Or are you going talk to y/n?" George slapped the back of my head.
"You heard her," I spoke sadly.
"I did, but I also heard that by the sounds of it she needs you. She needs someone's shoulder and that's you. Now are you just going to stand here or are you going to fix it?" I looked at George before running back to the flat.

"Y/n wait-" I was too late. I heard the loud crack of apparation. I didn't know where she was and now I was too late. We were both in the wrong, but I loved her with all my heart.

I should've never said those hurtful things because I didn't even believe what was coming out of my mouth. I loved y/n and I still wanted to marry her.

But I was too late. I couldn't do anything until she was ready to come back and I have to respect her decision.

I walked into my room and threw myself on my bed. I sighed deeply feeling the empty space beside me. Y/n had become a part of me. I couldn't picture my life without her, but all I could do was wait.

A/N-And the drama continues. Hope you all liked it and have a great weak!❤️

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