𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚《𝙆𝙞𝙧𝙠 𝙃𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙩》

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Tw: smut

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Tw: smut


His chocolate brown orbs were practically fixated on the comic book in his hands, while your left leg draped over the guitarist's waist, and your eyes found themselves looking up at his perfectly sculpted features.

The way his big brown eyes twinkled, and the way he licked his plump lips, drove you mad. Not to mention his long, curly hair that you always ran your fingers through, or tugged at when he was between your legs.
He was absolutely beautiful, talented, and extremely fun to be around. Due to all those components, you found yourself constantly at his place, always finding it harder and harder to stay away from Kirk.

"What are you staring at, weirdo?" Kirk chuckled, his eyes still locked on the comic in his hands. You could feel your cheeks get red hot, knowing that he must've seen you admiring him from the corner of his eye.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring" you retorted, earning another laugh from Kirk.

"Whatver you say" Kirk playfully rolled his eyes. The room went silent again like it always did when he got too caught up in one of his comic books. You didn't mind that he read them all the time, but it bothered you that they got more attention at times than you did; dominance and aggression seemed to be the only way to get your certain needs filled by the guitarist.

It didn't take long beford you had moved yourself ontop of him, straddling his waist as you snatched the comic book out of his hands, earning a confused and slightly annoyed expression from him.

"You do realize that these things get more attention than I do right?" You said, tossing the book to the side, and placing your hands on his shoulders. Kirk knew you were right, and it made him feel bad that he was swapping you out for lifeless comic books that he could read some other time.

"I know, and I'm sorry, really sorry. Now is there a way I could possibly make it up to you?" He asked, a mischievous smirk creeping onto his lips, and making that warm tingling feeling flow through your body.  You obviously couldn't stay mad at him, considering how adorable he was, and because you were head over heels in love with him.

"Yeah, I think there is" You returned the gesture before he flipped you so he could be ontop for this round. His calloused hands found themselves fidgeting with the hem of your oversized band shirt, causing goosebumps to cover your skin at the feeling of his mere touch.

"Don't tease, Hammett" You begged, and ran a hand through his messy curls, before pulling him down so you could place your sweet lips on his own. Kirk felt his own cheeks begin to heat up at the feeling of your lips passionately kissing him, with a hint of lust that drove him mad, and made him fully remove the shirt over your head

His calloused hands, eventually cupped your breasts, giving them a delicate squeeze, before you leaned forward to kiss his lips. He began to undress himself as quick as possible, your lips only disconnecting every once and awhile, until both of you were now fully nude and needy for eachothers body.

After some lustful moments went by, his lips eventually stopped sucking your mouth, and trailed down to your neck. He kissed and bit the tender flesh there, tiny moans escaping your lips when he found your sweet spot, and refused to give up his ravishing in that one specific area.

While he distracted you with his hot sloppy kisses, he slowly slid himself into your aching entrance that had been dying for him to be inside since you arrived at his front door hours prior.

"Kirk.." you moaned, his hands pinning your hands against the pillows like always, before lifting your left leg and placing it over his shoulder, allowing him to go deeper. Your nails digged into the soft flesh of Kirk's shoulders, when he started thrusting deep inside you, and making you feel those heightened feelings of immense pleasure.

"Faster" you begged in a breathy tone, starting to move your hips to match his pace that obeyed your command which was helping you reach your much desired climax.

You could sense that the guitarist was just as close as you were, especially when he was beginning to twitch and let groans escape his lips, his orgasm bound to explode any minute. The knot in your stomach exploded within the next few thrusts, causing you to feel his warm seed fill you after he unraveled aswell.

A shiver went up your spin, and your entire body tingled, his body feeling the same way, which made you both grin as he collapsed ontop of your slightly sweaty frame now.

"That was.. amazing" You laughed breathlessly,

"Yeah it was, wanna go for round two?" Kirk grinned wider, flipping you over, so he was on top of you now.

"You're on, Hammett"

~Not Edited

A/n: sorry for the terrible smut btw🥴

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