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In the horizon, the sun began to set, and hues of vibrant oranges and yellows painted the sky above. Your toes dug slightly into the sand of the bare beach as you spun in time to the music playing off your nearby radio. The instruments of your favourite song, and pretty scene before your eyes helped distract you from the fact that your beloved boyfriend would be moving to Seattle the following day.

He was going to make it big, and you knew it, which was why you refused to hold him back, despite the heartache that the long distance relationship would bring you and him. But maybe the distance would just be another test to see how durable the love, and relationship was, having both you and Eddie miles upon miles apart.

"This is the best part of the song" You smiled delicately, proceeding to dance around like a fool on the beach, Eddie watching you with a grin of his own at the sight. Your body moved gracefully in time to the song, and your hair was decorated with streaks of sunlight, whilst your sundress subtly flew up everytime the summer breeze would rush in.

You were remarkable in every way to Eddie. Everything about you was beautiful, from the way you thought, and acted, to the way you loved him with all your heart. All your passion, and love went directly to him, ever since you met him years prior in a record store. It would continue to go to him even when he was in Seattle, being sent through letters, and phone calls, until you finished college, and decided to move there just to be with him.

Eddie watched you spin one last time before you stumbled, and fell back into the sand next to Eddie, landing on your ass which made you instantly start laughing while your boyfriend sent a slightly worried look your way

"Jeez, babe, you gotta be more careful when you do that shit" Eddie said, sometimes finding your wild, and careless ways scary since you always ended up hurting youself in the midst of your fun

"I know, but that was kind of fun" You laughed, fidgeting with the dial on the radio, and flicking through different music channels before you found one that was good enough to accompany the sound of the crashing waves.

Eddie draped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, so you could both admire the sunset from your spot on the beach. The scent of his faded cologne, and the pot from the joint you and him had smoked hours prior lingered on his clothes, intoxicating you all over again.

"You know, I'm gonna miss you like crazy" You admitted the obvious, the statement that you had been telling Eddie since he told you he'd be flying to a new territory that wasn't his own. He just kissed your temple in return to your words that made him second guess going to Seattle for a chance at fame.

"And I'm gonna miss you, probably even more" Eddie retorted truthfully, not sure how he was going to go months and months without having the love of his life nearby to soothe any desire, or any sorrow that he might feel. While you on the otherhand, were trying to think of different ways that would keep your mind occupied, and away from a negative mindset. Knowing that you made a promise to Eddie that you'd join him in Seattle when you graduated, only made you want to work harder, and speed the process up to the point where you were eventually living with him.

"Well, you know I'm gonna write you everyday, and call you every night" You reminded, earning a grin from Eddie, who had heard you repeatedly tell him that reminder almost everyday.

"I know, babe, and I'll do the same" Eddie assured, looking over at your sparkling eyes, and delicately shaped features, adding to the pure beauty of you that made him want to kiss you whenever he got the chance.

"You're so fucking beautiful" Eddie's words making you look back over at him, cheeks flushed with a light shade of pink as you gently bit your bottom lip, fighting back a smile that his compliment had caused. You had been dating him for two years, and his words never failed to cause flattered reactions from you.

"You're beautiful too" You replied softly, turning yourself to face him a bit better. Your fingers were soon threading through his strands of wavy hair, while you admired his own beauty that he claimed was "non-existent". Sure, his looks made you want to gush all day about how perfect they were, but you were really drawn in by the beauty of his quiet, but sweet personality that managed to charm you since day one.

"Yeah, right, Y/l/n" Eddie chuckled, his hands playing with the hem of your dress, thinking about how you'd take the piece of material just for him in the privacy of your room that night. You just shook your head playfully in return to him denying his beauty again before placing a sweet kiss to his lips.

It was a short, and loving kiss that consisted of you both slowly meshing your lips together, transferring love to one another for a few moments until you pulled away to look over at him again. He was the definition of a dream, and everything you loved was blended into him as a person; your love for him amazed you.

"I want you to know that you'll always be the love of my life, no matter what happens between us" You confessed, watching how Eddie couldn't help but smile from your sweet words. He had never met someone that was so sweet to everyone, and everything, which  made him fall harder for you in the first place.

"And you'll always be mine. I mean, i don't think I'll ever be able to find someone like you in this lifetime. You're definitely one in a million" He replied, watching how your cheeks glowed a crazy shade of crimson, making him chuckle at the effect he had on you.

You flashed him a soft smile, and kissed his cheek before snuggling up closer to his conforting frame. Fuck, Eddie was gonna miss having you cling to his side. He was gonna miss the warmness of the California sun, and your lovely smile. He was gonna miss seeing you in the nude when the lust levels raised between you and him, and he was gonna miss dancing with you underneath the moonlight on the beach.

He'd miss everything about you, and California. Eddie felt bad that he was flying out the next day, and leaving you behind in the sand of his hometown. But he also was aware of how much you wanted him to go and achieve his dream, and that it would make you proud if he managed to in the end.

~Not Edited

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